Right about the special rural subsidies, but so wrong about the people.
And of course self-evidently a total jerk.
Pretty bad when a collage professor throws Henry David Thoreau under the bus....
Breathtakingly ignorant. I am a life-long rural dweller (with an advanced degree, NOT in philosphy!) and I know people who can barely sign their names who are far more useful to the rest of the world than this ignoramus.
I bet this queer eats his fill of food that is grown in rural America....
The very fact that this over-educated moron thinks people live in rural areas to recapture some nostalgic "glory days" reeks of bubbled elitism. Most rural people live where they do BECAUSE IT'S WHERE THEY WORK!!!!
Maybe they're farmers or in some other agricultural industry. Maybe they live on ancestral lands they're not willing to give up for the filth and corruption of the city. Maybe they like clean air, expansive views, and independence.
They're not exactly trapped in Norman Rockwell's universe.
Bad English. It is not repulsion, it should be revulsion.
There are good things about rural areas and bad things about rural areas. People choose what is right for them.
In the burbs I have a fully staffed Fire Department two minutes away, in a rural area not so much.
In a rural area they have peace and quiet, where I live we have traffic.
I do agree with him about broadband. Broadband users in crowded places should not be on the hook to subsidize Broadband in less crowded places. If the government wants to play Santa Clause and subsidize rural Broadband, the money should come out of the general fund, that everyone has to pay into.
My father’s father stood in bread lines during the depression in New Haven, CT. My just about as poor mother’s parents had eggs, milk, vegetables and sometimes chicken on their small plot in rural Bethany, Connecticut 20 miles away.
I wonder if Mr. Pointy Headed Liberal ever thought that if rural America wanted his ass gone it could stop planting crops, stop raising live stock and it could very well starve him and his kind out.
Thank you founding fathers for the Electoral College.
I really wonder if this nitwit realizes that ALL of the FOOD grown that THEY EAT is grown by these rural Americans who have supposedly made ‘bad decisions’.
The overt idiocy on display is heartbreaking.
This is what is wrong with the socialists.
In this country we are supposed to have the freedom to decide how we want to live. Socialists like this man think anything different is wrong, we are to live like them. If they choose to be vegetarian, they want everyone to be vegetarian...if they don’t want to own firearms, no one should.
The audacity of socialists is unbelievable to me and they are so sure of their choices they want to force them on others.
As a practical matter if there are no rural Americans, where does he think his food will come from? The socialists have thought of that too. I have had them tell me we should import all of our food. The same people who want everything fresh and organic want to import all of our food from other countries. I can think of only one reason for this; to make controlling the food supply much easier. Whoever controls the food controls the people.
“we should shame people who aren’t pro-city.”
Cant get anymore ignorant than a quote like that.
Make that comment to me in my face and see what happens.
<< Kernion believes that rural living Americans are purposely rejecting the more “efficient” city-dwelling life >>
Yes, fighting bumper-to-bumper traffic in L.A. to take an hour (or more) to merely get across town is so efficient. As is waiting 3 hours in the ER. And lets not forget big city bureaucracy itself, well-known for its efficiency. And what could possibly be a more efficient use of ones money than to pay 7 figures for a house not much larger than a garage?
Who cares what a Berkeley queer says? They are gods only to themselves.
Who cares what a Berkeley queer says? They are gods only to themselves.
Yes, us dumb hicks. I don’t even faintly regret my 2 acres. 6 miles from a bustling town of 45,000 and 200 miles from the nearest cockroach nest of a “city”. Just a couple miles from a Colorado mountain fed river and plenty of farms and ranches with animals and crops in close proximity. Some folks prefer the hustle and bustle of a city and some folks enjoy a little breathing space and a clear zone to know if a roach comes a calling with intentions other than honorable.
The man actually reveals the essential divide in our country, urban v rural/suburb. They have not been out to actually meet these people or know what they do, so they are easily characterized.
If your car breaks down on the side of the road, would you rather be in Brooklyn or in Winterset IA?