Whether by design or coincidence, the Progtard DildoCrats have been condcuing a circular ambush that, one by one, takes down the most vocal advocates of their most extreme positions on socialism, single-payer (government) health care, higher taxes, gun confiscation, wealth confiscation, open borders, free college/student loan debt forgiveness, and LGBTQIAXYZ?...rights.
One could infer that the DildocCrats have a candidate in the wings that they shall roll out when the current candidates have finished annihilating each other. After being nominated, that candidate will run hard right ti the center as a moderate. If elected that candidate will then implement the most extreme positions that knocked his or her “opponents” out of the primaries. One of their first acts in office will be to confiscate retirement accounts to pay for Social Security.
Many on this board have speculated about one out more of the “usual suspects,” all of whom come with baggage and an extensive electronic and paper trail.
I think they are going to roll out someone “new” with no history or baggage at the convention.
...someone new with no history or baggage at the convention.
Can anyone name one such possible candidate?