I hope we do not turn him over to the Navy to be cleaned up and buried at sea.
I suggest we turn him over to the Air Force so he can be placed onto a pallet with about twenty hogs with the hogs and the madman all tied down. The pallet should be loaded onto a C-130 which will “bury him in the atmosphere” by flying to about 50,000 feet and pushing the “coffin” out the back and letting it hit terminal velocity before hitting the earth and spattering the mess all over the “Caliphate”.
Punishment, in the Day of Judgement, will be for this man, a horror and torture beyond human imagination. When G-d executes His punishment and Vengeance, it will be according to the suffering this terrorist imposed on the innocent. Since he worshipped at the Islamic altar of murder slaughter and horror, all that he did to others will multiplied, and it will all come down on his own head. This is the destiny of all of ISIS, just as it is for the Nazis before them.
Wrap him in a hog, fry him like bacon. Aint that the way Antfa would do it? Put the film on YouTube.