The counties idea doesnt make sense to me. Here in California Amazon County has less than $10K; Los Angeles has more than 15M. I think the Nebraska and Maine systems are the most fair: one EV vote for each congressional district carried and the statewide winner gets the 2 at large Eva for the state. Id be willing to adopt that system and let the chips fall where they may. Any state can do this at any time. Which is what makes the abolish the EC guys hypocrites for not supporting this very democratic way of making all votes count
The left threw an absolute hissy fit. But what ultimately killed it was the @$$hat GOP chairman who felt it would dilute our national influence. Seriously, more visits here competing for chunks of electoral votes versus being taken for granted would dilute our national influence?
I still think it is a good idea even if it meant crooked Hillary would've picked up 4 or 5 of our 20 electoral votes in 2016.