But every damn one of those Democrats knew, KNEW, that Soros wasnt handing out his own money. They knew it was coming from our enemies.
Soros is our enemy but I bet he gets most of his funding from us thru his NGO, IMF, UN grants & market manipulations
Could someone contact Baroness Yavonovich and explain that she was not named ambassador for life; she has no Constitutional right to be an ambassador; she serves at the president's pleasure.
Prez Trump does not need a reason to relieve her of the position. Prez Trump cannot be impeached for exercising his Constitutional prerogative of firing an ambassador - or the Director of the FBI. {{Do not expect to hear this from a 'rat or the MSM.}}
FWIW, Amb. Yavonovich was coordinating with a S0r0s group of justice seekers. She was sending written orders to the Ukrainian justice people about who they could prosecute and who they couldn't. The new Ukrainian President was not comfortable with this ambassador and her meddling in Ukrainian internal matters.
We can learn two things from this little drama: the arrogance of the DS to believe that they are entitled to a job and without interference; and why the Dem'rats are running closed meetings and why only they can report on facts determined in those meetings... and, oh sure, they conspire together: the 'rats and the DS.
I bet Soros was showing Obama and the Biden Family how to extract as much money out of the Ukraine economy as possible. The big money pot was Ukraine’s natural gas resource. By tapping into that wealth, the Obama con team was going to suck them dry. The investigation into Barisma, Zelenskyy’s election, and Trump’s election derailed their plan.