Which part do you not believe? That pair bonding is weaker after many partners or that todays younger women are having an insane number of partners? The first there are plenty of studies out there showing it and the second you wouldnt believe unless you were an alpha 20-45 year guy out on the market. Many of the women at my office have started talking to me now that Im back on the market and one of them yesterday said thank God my husband has no idea how much fun I had from 18-25. It wont completely replicate it because in person game matters even more than online game but the closest youll be able to see how women act with hit alphas is to post an online profile with a bunch of pics of a hot 25-30 guy and learn some game. It will be a real eye opener. And the later hubby doesnt know, I promise you her daddy doesnt.
No, I am not a mgtow guy, just have taken the red pill.
Not the pair bonding, it’s true for men as well although the effect is somewhat stronger in females.
I question the validity of the “insane” number of partners. The studies are all over the map, but the ones with the highest numbers are mostly garbage online types which have zero controls and self selected participants.
And just like the divorce rate is driven by a small core of serial marriers, the partner average is driven up by a small subset of sexually hyperactive
20% of men are not getting 80% of the women. It’s more like 20% of women are doing 80% of the men.