Good points; in the end, as long as women more than men benefit from divorce (in most cases) marriage will be undesirable to young men.
Attempts to rectify this by paying women more than men simply create a group of men unable to support a family; not exactly incentive to marry there, either. The gender gap in pay is a myth, and since women have been 60% of college classes for decades now, it is no mystery why young men don’t see themselves as providers for families. Denying them opportunity denies the women spouses.
Intelligent, discerning men of good character will continue to marry because the benefits outweigh the risks. The unfair family courts are an outlying risk.
The real reason young people aren’t marrying is because they don’t know how. Marriage and family has been denigrated in popular culture since the 50’s.
No man in the 19th century would have referred to a wife as a ‘ball and chain’. It would have been considered vulgar and crass and a man with such an attitude would have been ostracized from polite society.
Feminism/Playboyism (and they are inextricably linked) tore down the pedestal women used to occupy in the name of free love/sex and now people don’t even know what gender they are.
Until men (as a group) rebuild that pedestal and put women back on it and eschew irresponsible sex and vulgar living the beatings will continue.