Your theory makes sense. The KGB has been very active in our country. And it makes sense why the dims have been trying to put the Russia business in Trump’s lap when it was the dims who have been collaborating with the soviets all along.
Combine that with the party going all CPUSA in the last couple of years.
The left ALWAYS accuses the right of which the left is guilty.
The R’s are no better. Where was the opposition? R’s had ineligible candidates they wanted to run too.
Founders should be rolling.
ps. Pres. Trump is simply life support. After the pendelum swings back to the left it’s over. The left knows they have a demographic lock on power coming.
One OTHER candidate perhaps unknowingly or knowingly GROOMED for Obama's slot WOULD HAVE BEEN VAN JONES.
The MAIN reason the American people have not been given the WHOLE TRUTH about the COUP on Trump, Epstein's PIZZAGATE BLACKMAIL OPERATION, the AWAN bro's, OBAMA'S IRAN PAYOFF, etc., is because PERHAPS THE RUSSIANS WERE LITERALLY RUNNING OUR GOVERNMENT. Is THIS THE SHOCKING TRUTH the American people must not know about?