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To: dfwgator

True. But that does not have any real relevance to the argument at hand. Minimum wages are dictated by law, and the question is whether they should be “livable” or not.

Once, they were livable, and our economy flourished. As GOPwhatever pointed out above. This was in the 1950s and most of the 1960s.

Then, minimum wages fell behind inflation, and the public at large began subsidizing employers with Food Stamps, housing vouchers, Medicaid, etc.

I submit that is a bad thing, and that all businesses should provide a livable minimum wage and cut out the monkey business.

You have responded that you just don’t like the laws.

Which, I think is not much of a reasoned response, particularly since you have failed to answer any of the information provided by c-v, or myself. Like I said before, you are flailing about. Why not just admit that we are on to something?

196 posted on 08/22/2019 3:40:28 PM PDT by Penelope Dreadful (And there is Pansies, that's for Thoughts.)
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To: Penelope Dreadful

It was more “livable” because back then there simply not as much “stuff” that people needed to buy. It was housing, either in the form of rent or a mortgage, or food, which was much cheaper because people actually used to cook from scratch, clothes, and a radio for entertainment. You didn’t even necessarily have to have a car.

197 posted on 08/22/2019 3:44:46 PM PDT by dfwgator (Endut! Hoch Hech!)
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