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Why the Worldwide Left Is So Opposed to Donald Trump
Rush ^ | August 15, 2019 | Rush Limbaugh

Posted on 08/15/2019 3:58:21 PM PDT by Kaslin

RUSH: So, I ran across this piece and I want to share it with you because when I was reading this piece, it caused a bunch of lights to go off. One of the things that I’ve been trying to figure out, even though those of you who listen will think I have it figured out, to me there’s always more than what I understand on most things. Even though I think I may have something figured out, there’s still more to learn about it.

And this opposition to Trump, it’s so irrational. It’s so obsessive that it puzzles me. And over what? Make America Great Again. Now, look, I understand the left hates America. The left hates the concept of capitalism and freedom. But they have never been anywhere near a majority of the population in this country. Never. They’ve always been fringe. They’ve been around since the days of the founding. Their strength has ebbed and flowed, you might say they’re 30, 35 percent, but I don’t even think that in terms of getting votes.

But yet they’re portrayed by a sympathetic media as being the majority of the country. If you landed here from Mars you would think the election of Donald Trump was some kind of real aberration because he represents 20 percent of the thinking and that the whole country is outraged every day because Donald Trump somehow shouldn’t be president. And, of course, the truth is over 65 million people voted for Donald Trump. He won the presidency fair and square. And yet this picture exists of something else.

And the opposition to Trump goes way beyond just Democrats losing. And it is the singular slogan of Trump’s that it’s not just a slogan, it’s an objective: Make America Great Again. The degree to which that has rendered his opponents insane has remained a big question. Even though I think I understand most of it intellectually, I’ve said to myself there’s got to be more to this. This is just irrational. It doesn’t make sense that this many people do not want America to be great.

So that remains a focal point, a frame of reference, as I go about my life living, learning, reading, this kind of thing. I came across something today that helped me understand it a bit more. It was nothing I didn’t already know. It’s one of these pieces, like Angelo Codevilla’s piece that we shared with you many, many moons ago on the ruling class versus the country class. It was like the revelation of learning what the current services baseline is in the federal budget and how that leads to what is called baseline budgeting. Those were light-goes-off moments.

Well, this piece that I ran into appears at the American Greatness website. And it’s written by a man named John Fonte, F-o-n-t-e. And the headline, ” Who Makes the ‘Rules’ in a ‘Rules-Based’ Liberal Global Order?” Now, this column is adapted from a speech that he gave at the National Conservative Conference in Washington on July 17th, about a month ago. And it prints to six pages. I can’t read the whole thing. But I’ve highlighted some pull quotes for you here that I think will make the point.

It begins thus: “The forces promoting global governance represent a serious actor, driver, or player in world politics. Transnationalism or globalism has an ideology and a social-material base. And, crucially, it has a strong American connection.” Transnationalism is the word now for globalism.

“The ideology is utopian, the age-old dream of worldwide peace and prosperity under a benevolent global regime. Further, the globalist project is bipartisan, in terms of both ideas and institutions.”

Now, I don’t believe that there’s anything utopian about it. Maybe from the duped, like your woke millennial college kids who think that utopia is possible. But the people running the show, I don’t think there’s anything utopian about them. I think they’re power mad. I think they’re evil, power mad people. And they have no intention of creating a utopia.

“Democrat Anne Marie Slaughter, who headed the Obama State Department’s office of policy and planning, declared that global governance meant nations would cede sovereign authority to supranational institutions in cases requiring global solutions to global problems.”

So this is simply acknowledging that Obama had a State Department employee who was responsible for spearheading America’s participation in this new global transnationalism, and her name was Anne Marie Slaughter. George H.W. Bush had somebody in his administration who today is involved in the same project. His name is Richard Haass. He held the same position in the State Department as Anne Marie Slaughter did for Obama, but he now runs the Council on Foreign Relations.

“More than a decade ago, he said it was time to ‘rethink’ sovereignty arguing that ‘sovereignty is not only becoming weaker in reality, but that it needs to become weaker.’” To transnationalists or globalists, sovereignty is an opposition. It’s something that has to be overcome. Sovereignty cannot exist with transnationalists. You’ve got get rid of borders, you’ve got to get rid of nation states, the whole concept.

“In 2008, Robert Kagan, then advising the presidential campaign of Senator John McCain, declared that the ‘United States . . . should not oppose, but welcome a world of pooled and diminished national sovereignty.’

“The social-material base of the transnationalists is housed in many institutions and organizations. For example, in the leadership of the United Nations; with bureaucrats from the World Trade Organization, the International Monetary Fund, and the World Bank; with judges from the World Court in the Hague, the International Criminal Court, and the European Court of Human Rights.”

All these things that we’ve cataloged, categorized and known as they’re established. Trump rails against them all as being anti-American. They’re not existing to further America’s interests. They exist to actually, for lack of a better word, punish America. This is all about what I’ve always said. Diminishing America in the post-war period. We are the remaining, the only world super power, but we’ve got to be diminished for these people. They don’t want to just run the U.S., they want to run the world. And they can’t if the U.S. remains a superpower and gigantic and sovereign.

“For American transnationalists, global experts in international law, human rights, the environment, gender equity would have greater legitimacy in the creation of ‘global rules’ than democratically elected officials.”

What this means is that for these people that believe in transnationalism, a utopian globalist regime that the experts that would be housed in leadership in this regime would have a much freer easy time of instituting their brand of human rights via the environment, gender equity — those things would have a much greater legitimacy if we could just diminish the United States because diminishing the United States would be diminishing its moral code, would be diminishing its moral and legal foundations.

So in many ways what this is saying is that we represent the obstacle, the final obstacle, if you will, to the desire these people have to establish a gigantic and, they claim, benevolent government leadership body.

Now, this group of people as it exists now, “The social base certainly includes the leadership of the European Union (which is a model for supranational governance) and its administrators in the European Commission, judges in the European Court of Justice, and other EU officials. It includes international non-governmental organizations (e.g. Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, Greenpeace, George Soros’s Open Society foundations, etc.).” It’s important that these are nongovernment, NGOs, they’re all leftists. Everything that we’re talking about here is left-wing. It’s liberal. It’s socialist. It’s communist.

And this alignment or amalgamation of government entities and nongovernment entities is meant to blanket and cover every area necessary to bring this about. Now, here’s the point or one of many.

“Significantly, there is a strong American presence in the forces of global governance: major foundations (Ford, Rockefeller, Carnegie, etc.), the American academic world; the American Bar Association which openly advocates the ‘global rule of law’; and, of course, among leading American global corporations. Indeed, the vice president of Coca-Cola remarked, ‘We are not an American company.’ … A top executive at Colgate-Palmolive declared, ‘There is no mindset that puts this country (the United States) first.’”

See, there it is, right there. These people, these CEOs, corporate CEOs, nongovernment organizations, think tanks, you name it, and the European Union governing bodies all believe that there is no mindset that puts the U.S. first.

So here comes Trump, Make America Great Again. Putting America first is exactly what Donald Trump is all about. Donald Trump has not just swatted a hornet’s nest in the United States. Donald Trump has swatted a gigantic nest that’s the size of the whole world and he has put the fear of failure right in their face. He’s upset the apple cart in ways these people never thought could happen.

There would never be anybody from the current Washington establishment who would ever run for president, who would ever hold the views that Donald Trump holds, particularly and specifically about revitalizing America, making America a legitimate force for good in the world, by virtue of its strength and moral authority. They thought they had done away with that.

The Washington establishment simply doesn’t have people like Donald Trump in it and the Washington establishment is from where presidential candidates come. The scope and the impact to which Donald Trump has upset these people and their dreams and their worldwide objectives is hard to categorize, how dramatic and huge that it is.

“When she was a journalist writing for The Atlantic, current Canadian Foreign Minister Chrystia Freeland was told by a U.S.-based CEO of one of the world’s largest hedge funds that he was not concerned about the ‘hollowing out of the American middle class.’ He said that if the global economy ‘lifts four people in China and India’ into the middle class and meanwhile ‘one American drops out of the middle class, that’s not such a bad trade.’ Samuel Huntington described this process as the ‘de-nationalization’ of American corporate elites.”

See, for the objectives of these people to succeed, the United States has to lose in a zero-sum game. In order for there to be economic gains, because these people that are running this worldwide transnationalist dream, they need for enough people to do well enough economically to not oppose anything. But they also understand that that can’t happen unless some of the wealth comes from the United States. And how do you take the wealth from the United States? Well, you take economic power away from the American middle class is how you do it.

And how do you do that? Well, you raise their taxes or you slow down their economy, and you tell them that America’s best days are behind them. You do what Obama did for eight years. You tell people that, “Hey, you know what? We’re not going to be as great as we once were. We weren’t as great as you think we were. We stole all the resources that we used to build ourselves up to a superpower, but we’ve been plenty immoral and unjust. And so there’s a new norm. There’s a new norm, and it is a steady decline and we’re the ones to manage it.”

That’s how you do it. That is how you convince the American people to tolerate the evaporation of their economy. Don’t just tell them that it’s over, that you’re looking out for them, you’re looking out for them, you’re watching out for them, you’re going to have their backs. In the meantime, the lower classes, the middle classes of the world have to be lifted up and it’s done with U.S. wealth.

And Donald Trump is not going to play ball here. Donald Trump is not going to participate in this. He’s telling them this every day. Given the plans these people have and given the obstacle Donald Trump has presented, it makes perfect sense that they would despise this guy. It makes perfect sense that they would become irrational in their hatred and delusional. They’re on the verge of pulling this off.

If Hillary Clinton had been elected they would have pulled this off. It would just have been the continuation of the decline, the continuation of the belief that America’s best economic days are behind us. The continuation of the belief that the days of your kids doing better than you did are over. Obama and his administration implanted that very thought and idea in the minds of Americans — they thought.

And then here comes Trump down the escalator in 2015 essentially saying, “No way; we’re not putting up with this. We’re not going to sit here and let America be made a second-class country. We’re going to be making it great again.” And look at what happened. A clear majority of the American people rose up and voted for the guy, and these people who are running this transnationalist scheme, which is very real, still haven’t recovered from it.

So the ongoing effort to ruin Trump is not going to stop. And even if Trump stopped tweeting, and if he did everything all the people who don’t like the way he lives, if he would change everything the way everybody’s demanding, it would not stop one iota worth of criticism.


RUSH: Now back to this piece on transnationalism — and, again, this is by John Fonte. I found it at American Greatness. It’s from a speech that he gave a month ago in Washington. Let me repeat this one paragraph because this is key: “A top executive at Colgate-Palmolive declared, ‘There is no mindset [among his compatriots, among his transnationalists] that puts this country (the United States) first.’ When she was a journalist writing for the Atlantic, current Canadian Foreign Minister Chrystia Freeland was told by a U.S.-based CEO of one of the world’s largest hedge funds that he was not concerned about the ‘hollowing out of the American middle class.'”

No way!

“He said that if the global economy ‘lifts four people in China and India’ into the middle class and meanwhile ‘one American drops out of the middle class,’ we can live with that.” Well, what does that mean? It means for these people in India and China to lift themselves within their own middle class, the wealth has to come from the U.S. — and he’s perfectly fine with that. That’s why I said, “It was not accidental that Barack Obama is telling everybody that our best days are behind us, that we’re in a new period of decline, that Obama and his types are the perfect people to manage the decline.

“And 1%, 1.5% economic growth? That’s the new normal!”

All of this was to set in motion a mental attitude in the United States, “Hey, 1% growth is good; that’s about what we can expect. Maybe we shouldn’t have been so powerful in the past!” This was all part of being able to strip wealth out of the United States, spread it around the world, build up support for the transnational government. If you’ve got a transnational organization and you can say that you’re helping people move up economically, then you may have their support. Not that you care about the democratic process, but it would help in limiting anybody opposed to what you’re trying to do.

It’s a hideous bunch.

So Trump comes along and totally pulls the rug out from under these people.

Brexit! Brexit was the same thing.

“With the Brexit referendum, the election of Donald Trump, and the rise of conservative, democratic nationalists throughout the West,” meaning western democracies, “the global governance project has been seriously challenged for the first time.” They thought they were in an “arc of history” that was inevitable, that we were headed to this transnational/globalist way of life that would result in an end to the concept of national sovereignty. And then Brexit and Trump came along. And they have been rendered…

They’ve never faced this kind of opposition.

This is the establishment we’re talking about. They put things into place specifically and precisely to make sure these kinds of things — Trump and Brexit — don’t happen, and yet they both did. What does this mean? What are these people thinking screwed this up? I’m telling you: Democracy. People having the vote is what screwed up their plans. If you take nothing away from what I’m saying, take two things away: In order for this to work, the American wealth has to be reduced — and the vote of the people, the democratic way of life, has got to be eliminated.

If people weren’t able to vote, Trump wouldn’t have got elected. If there weren’t any vote in the U.K., there wouldn’t have been Brexit. I guarantee you that’s how these people are looking at it. They’re not seeing you individually as the opposition. They’re saying the right to vote is something they’ve got to snuff out. That’s how they’ll protect themselves against you. Meanwhile… Meanwhile… “After the fall of the Berlin Wall, many conservatives embraced President George H. W. Bush’s call for a ‘new world order.’

“It appeared to be a consolidation of the West’s Cold War victory and, thus, the building of a Reagan-Thatcher global order based on expanding liberal democracy and free markets. But the ‘rules’ in this ‘rules-based’ liberal global order began to ‘evolve’ (as academics like to say). In the 1990s, the United Nations Landmines Treaty and the establishment of the International Criminal Court were enacted …against the concerns of American sovereignty.” Not just against it, to effectively deal with.

The International Criminal Court, the World Trade Organization — all these organizations — were essentially created to rule against the United States. It was all part of the process of deemphasizing the power and role of the United States as a superpower in the world. “Recognizing this new transnationalist challenge in September 2000, John Bolton … portrayed a coming conflict between ‘Globalists and Americanists.’ At that time, 19 years ago, Bolton warned that we must take global governance seriously as a threat to democratic sovereignty.”

A mere ten years “later, the Obama administration in the name of the liberal global order was strong-arming democratic nation-states into adhering to progressive social policies concerning radical femi[nazi]ism, abortion, LGBT, and gender issues.” In other words, Obama popularizes these things. You know, he used to be anti-gay marriage; all of a sudden, he sends Biden out there. “We’re now pro-gay marriage!” You see what happens there.

Obama dispatches elements of his regime to normalize all of these things elsewhere in the democratic west, all for the purposes of destabilizing the existing political and economic order, to create angst and chaos in these countries as a distraction from the real objective, which was to steal the wealth from the middle class of the United States.

“Meanwhile, the EU forced the removal of democratically elected leaders in Italy and Greece, and, led by Germany, facilitated mass migration from the developing world without the consent of the people of Europe’s democratic nation-states,” and now it’s happening here. If you want to get rid of national borders and if you want to get rid of national sovereignty, what’s one of the fastest ways to do it? Flood nation states with people from outside! Water down the very identity of the nation states.

Do it with open-borders immigration and the welfare state necessary to keep them there. And what once was Burgeoning European Country X, becomes something unrecognizable with essentially no borders because anybody that wants to get in, can. You don’t even need a passport if you’re traveling within the European Union! And this is precisely what has been happening and is now ratcheting up in the United States with the caravans. And, again, here’s Donald Trump: “We’re going to build a wall!

“We’re going to stop this from happening. We’re going to make Mexico pay for the wall.” All this rhetoric from Trump, combined with his serious intention to do all this, has blown up the “arc of history” of these people with these grandiose plans. They’ve succeeded in Europe. They have not yet succeeded here because of Trump. So, folks, to wrap this up (chuckles) and there’s still much more here. But this deranged, delusional, extraordinary opposition to Donald Trump — if you know everything about this — makes perfect sense when you consider the people and the plans they had that he has disrupted.


RUSH: Here’s Wesley in Raleigh, North Carolina. You’re next and I’m glad you waited, sir. Hello.

CALLER: Hi, Rush. It’s such a huge privilege to talk to you again. I love the show. I’ll get right to the point for Mr. Snerdley. I stumbled upon an article by Anthony Codevilla, whose name I know because you originally turned me on to him as a guy who posited the existence of the establishment. And the article raised — it’s called the White Supremacy Hoax — and it raises the specter of that hoax being used by said establishment to essentially oppress who they might see as deplorables, and that includes the FBI. And we know that Chris Wray said that white supremacists are the leading cause or the chief worry for domestic terrorism.

RUSH: I read the piece. And what you’re basically saying here, or you’re asking, is if the deep state, the ruling class extends to the FBI or to the military and so forth, and I’m out of time to explain the answer, which is yes. So I guess you’ll have to tune in tomorrow to find out why.


RUSH: Yeah, there’s still more to all of this, and what remains is quotes from others that further establish the objectives and quotes from Trump that demonstrate his opposition to it and why they’re so distressed by the arrival of Trump. And, by the way, the opposition to this has been portrayed as nationalism, white nationalism. That’s not at all what it is. Trying to maintain America’s sovereignty is the objective Trump’s really after.

TOPICS: Culture/Society; Editorial
KEYWORDS: donaldtrump; europe; globalism; globalists; johnfonte; rush; rushlive; rushtranscript; sovereignity; transcript; transnationalism
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To: Kaslin
Here’s to hoping that Trump is not just a speed bump into Socialism and one world government.


21 posted on 08/15/2019 5:21:15 PM PDT by right way right (May we remain sober over mere men, for God really is our only true hope.)
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To: be-baw

” I see no logical successor to Trump.”

His name is Jr. (He’ll be ready.)

22 posted on 08/15/2019 5:57:46 PM PDT by romanesq (MAGA Coalition sues QAnon & will expose the QAnon grifters!)
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To: Peter ODonnell

...we’ve seen this cycle three times now, Goldwater, Reagan and Trump. Barry was not as fortunate and got blown out of the water before he could get to the White House. Reagan sailed through the minefields...

Of the three, Goldwater was not an actor.

The globalists have conditioned the world to respect and follow actors. Actors are skilled in making the audience believe their character and accept the script.

So, Reagan & Trump were able to use the persuasion of the globalists against them.

Reagan’s administration marked my own turning point. It was economic, at first, but the fall of the Wall and the end of the USSR brought back my own latent patriotism. I always said, from the beginning of Reagan’s 1st term, that he was the counter-revolution.

I got played by the Bush family, especially W. And after 8 years of zer0, having lost so very much, I was beaten down. I’d discovered a lot of the truth between 1996 and 2008. By now, though, I’ve accepted the vast amount we’ve had to assimilate these past 12 years or so.

Trump is a Superhero. He has to win a 2nd term and we have to find the collective spine to never let the progs have power ever again, anywhere.

Today, I think this the consensus across the planet. Obviously, not everyone and obviously, we have huge problems, but daily I seem to run across comments and stories that emphasize how many people have really awakened and are coming to grips with the fact that we individualists have been manipulated, robbed and marked for extinction.

The real counter-revolution is in full swing. Long may it prosper.

23 posted on 08/15/2019 6:49:05 PM PDT by reformedliberal
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To: mo

Your post is right on.

24 posted on 08/15/2019 6:59:54 PM PDT by rockinqsranch (Dems, Libs, Socialists call 'em what you will they all have fairies livin' in their trees.)
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To: Kaslin

I remember, way, way back in the day, watching the original Star Trek. It was so new! So original! I enjoyed it, even as my mind was registering that there was something wrong with planets being ruled from one source who made all the laws that all planets were to enforce. Each planet being ruled globally and subject to the overseer group. It just never felt right.
But here’s the thing... those of us who read the Bible know how this all ends. Once the Church is gone, these evil left-wing globalists WILL win and fall under the rule of a single evil man. For the besotted and indoctrinated followers of this destructive ideology, they will face a world they never envisioned as they lived in their “Star Trek” imaginations.

25 posted on 08/15/2019 7:38:46 PM PDT by 13Sisters76 ("It is amazing how many people mistake a certain hip snideness for sophistication. " Thos. Sowell)
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To: Kaslin
We are so close to losing this country it's no longer funny. Man am I pissed I missed all these warning signs too.
26 posted on 08/15/2019 8:02:52 PM PDT by glaseatr (Father of a Marine, Uncle of SGT Adam Estep. A Co. 2/5 Cav. KIA Thurs April 29, 2004 Baghdad Iraq)
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To: Kaslin

Because he’s in their way.

27 posted on 08/15/2019 8:03:27 PM PDT by dfwgator (Endut! Hoch Hech!)
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To: 13Sisters76; Roman_War_Criminal; null and void; metmom; SkyPilot

[But here’s the thing... those of us who read the Bible know how this all ends. Once the Church is gone, these evil left-wing globalists WILL win and fall under the rule of a single evil man. For the besotted and indoctrinated followers of this destructive ideology, they will face a world they never envisioned as they lived in their “Star Trek” imaginations.]

Correct. The Man of Sin, the Antichrist, the Beast (first one mentioned in Revelation 13), the Little Horn of Daniel 7 is coming.

28 posted on 08/15/2019 8:40:11 PM PDT by SaveFerris (Luke 17:28 ... as it was in the days of Lot; they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold ......)
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[I don’t get why people think that ‘globalism’ will work out.]

They are betting the farm on it. God didn't let it work out with the Tower of Babel. He'll let them have their 7 years, though. And a rough 7 years it will be. When the world sees the last half of that....(then shall be Great Tribulation).

Speaking of the Tower of Babel............painting on the left was done 400+ years ago by Pieter Brueghel

29 posted on 08/15/2019 8:43:03 PM PDT by SaveFerris (Luke 17:28 ... as it was in the days of Lot; they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold ......)
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To: SaveFerris
God didn't let it work out with the Tower of Babel.

It is my opinion that God didn't have anything to do with it.

The people surrounding the Tower of Babel spoke the same language. Which is another way of saying they were of the same mind. This is where the power came from. If you can get all the people to focus on the same 'concern', it is amazing what they can do.

However, someone had to issue the 'concern' to focus on. Someone had to decide what to use the power for.

That great a power corrupts absolutely, as they say.

Eventually, those who coveted that power destroyed the Tower and those who held the reins of that power.

The people then split into their various 'groups' and journeyed to new lands to try and establish their own 'towers'.

Yesterday we called the 'tower' the MSM. Today the 'tower' is the cellphone.

30 posted on 08/16/2019 6:45:27 AM PDT by UCANSEE2 (Lost my tagline on Flight MH370. Sorry for the inconvenience.)
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To: UCANSEE2; SkyPilot; Roman_War_Criminal; metmom

[It is my opinion that God didn’t have anything to do with it.]

The reference:

Genesis 11:6-8 King James Version (KJV)

6 And the Lord said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do.

7 Go to, let us go down, and there confound their language, that they may not understand one another’s speech.

8 So the Lord scattered them abroad from thence upon the face of all the earth: and they left off to build the city.

31 posted on 08/16/2019 8:00:56 AM PDT by SaveFerris (Luke 17:28 ... as it was in the days of Lot; they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold ......)
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To: SaveFerris

Thank you for providing the relevant scripture.

“Go to, let us go down, and there confound their language...”

In the above sentence, who is ‘us’ ?

32 posted on 08/16/2019 11:47:18 AM PDT by UCANSEE2 (Lost my tagline on Flight MH370. Sorry for the inconvenience.)
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To: UCANSEE2; WalterSkinner; metmom; Mom MD

Folks such as my self believe this is a reference to the Trinity (Father, Son and Holy Spirit always in agreement). Myself, I would call it as the Holy Trinity agreeing (as always) to disrupt the languages. I can only speak for myself, of course.

Interestingly, God said he would go down to (regarding Sodom and Gomorrah).

3 men appeared outside the tent of Abraham.

Two of the men went on to Sodom - later we find out they were two angels.

The passage opens:

“Now the Lord appeared to him by the oaks of Mamre, while he was sitting at the tent door in the heat of the day. When he lifted up his eyes and looked, behold, three men were standing opposite him; and when he saw them, he ran from the tent door to meet them and bowed himself to the earth,” (Genesis 18:1-2).

So we know right off that the sudden appearance of these men represents the Lord appearing to Abraham. Most of the rest of the passage is Abraham talking with the Lord as he dines in his home with the men and then walks with them as they head on toward Sodom. The passage goes on to state:

“Then the men turned away from there and went toward Sodom, while Abraham was still standing before the Lord,” (Genesis 18:22)

It may be tempting to read this as saying that all three men left and that the LORD was still there speaking with Abraham independent of the men. The rest of the passage, however, shows us that two of the men went on while one remained speaking with Abraham. The one who remained was the LORD, while the other two were angels. After conversing with Abraham further about the coming judgment of the cities below, the passage concludes by telling us that:

“As soon as He had finished speaking to Abraham the Lord departed, and Abraham returned to his place. Now the two angels came to Sodom in the evening as Lot was sitting in the gate of Sodom. When Lot saw them, he rose to meet them and bowed down with his face to the ground,” (Genesis 18:33-19:1)

The LORD departs, Abraham goes home, and the two angels arrive at Sodom. That accounts for all three men who were walking with Abraham. And note that the passage doesn’t just say that two angels arrive in Sodom, but rather that the two angels arrive. These are the two angels that the story has already introduced. The two angels who were walking with Abraham and God. So the three men who appeared to Abraham were God and the two angels who were then sent on to Sodom before judgment came to that city.

33 posted on 08/16/2019 12:00:01 PM PDT by SaveFerris (Luke 17:28 ... as it was in the days of Lot; they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold ......)
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To: be-baw

Don’t write off Pence just yet.

34 posted on 08/16/2019 12:50:11 PM PDT by Deo volente ("Paging Mr. Charles Martel. Please pick up the white courtesy phone.")
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To: SaveFerris

Globalism is absolutely to conservatism, sovereignty and individual freedoms. There was a time period when globalists and world corporatism had hijacked Republicans and conservatism and that was when China and free traders gained much traction at the expense of US middle class. We are still paying the price via WTO, NAFTA, World Bank etc.

There absolutely is a demographic aspect that pits Christianity, deplorables, evangelicals and patriots against the globalist trans-nationals and academia elites who want group think, our Bill of Rights hijacked, open borders,firearms, and who perpetuate a false white supremacy narrative as a diversion.

35 posted on 08/18/2019 10:05:29 AM PDT by apoliticalone (Without freedom of speech we have no democracy and will lose all our freedoms.)
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To: apoliticalone

Sorry please make that first sentence read.....Globalism is absolutely contrary to conservatism.....

36 posted on 08/18/2019 10:19:59 AM PDT by apoliticalone (Without freedom of speech we have no democracy and will lose all our freedoms.)
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To: apoliticalone; SkyPilot; Roman_War_Criminal; null and void; Travis McGee; Diogenesis; metmom

[and who perpetuate a false white supremacy narrative as a diversion]

Driving back home last night (with a few stops) I started flipping channels on the radio just to break the monotony.

On comes a quick ABC Fake News with the mayor of Portland claiming “white supremacy is on the rise”.

I quickly shut off the Devil’s lies, I mean ABC Fake News (there is no difference).

The truth of the matter is they have waged war on the white population and made an issue where no existed (except for extreme radicals).

I believe some of them are Hell-bent, almost literally, on bringing chaos to the world. Just like the Manchurian Candidate from Hell.

They are breeding chaos with their lies (let me repeat that).

I ran across a Bible verse about those who plot calamity. And I believe people like this liar truly are.

37 posted on 08/18/2019 11:47:39 AM PDT by SaveFerris (Luke 17:28 ... as it was in the days of Lot; they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold ......)
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To: All

[And this opposition to Trump, it’s so irrational. It’s so obsessive that it puzzles me. And over what? Make America Great Again. Now, look, I understand the left hates America.]

I see the brainwashed masses and trolls at Yahoo. Huffington Post people. All have the irrational hatred. There are a few that said they used to be Democrats and they’ve had enough of the lies, the division, the irrational hatred. There is still a core group of radical leftists, though, who fit the quoted description.

38 posted on 08/18/2019 11:50:49 AM PDT by SaveFerris (Luke 17:28 ... as it was in the days of Lot; they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold ......)
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