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To: All; bray

“The Sunday Morning Bray”, by Bray!

Luke 11:4 And forgive us our sins; for we also forgive every one that is indebted to us. And lead us not into temptation; but deliver us from evil.

Why does every tragedy have to be an opportunity for the Democrat Party to trash President Trump and America? Rather than letting America go through her shock of having two mass murderers terrorize their communities we have to hear how it’s Trump’s fault and these were his Nazi supporters. There is never any introspection or grieving for the lost, only an opportunity to virtue signal and attack. Within 24 hours the media and their candidates had caused far more damage than the shooters did to the American psyche.

What exactly is causing these young men to want to kill people in the most horrific way possible? There is no curiosity from either of the attack squads, they are too busy campaigning on top of the pile of dead bodies to answer that question. This is the fruits of an empty lifestyle from the cult of liberalism. One was a Satanic worshiper and the other a loner and both likely on psychotropic medication. When you have no God or Ten Commandments then you have man deciding good and evil which leads to more evil.

The last thing any of the candidates want to discuss is what is causing this rash of killings? When you have nothing to hold onto then you will lead into depression and suicide. We are watching the suicide rates of our yout going to the moon. This is what the cult leads to and the deeper it drives you the harder it is to be a good person.

The cult of liberalism and secular humanism is a deep and dark religion which controls every aspect of your life. You are always trying to be a good person by their definition while the rules become more an more severe. You have to refer to the latest victim group by whichever current pronoun they declare that morning and if you use the wrong one you are an evil person. Yesterday’s black is today’s person of color and it spreads across the entire spectrum from A to LBGBQRSTUV.

The constant striving to be a good person gets harder and harder taking a larger and larger piece of a person’s life. There is no time for inner evaluation or human contact, only a tighter and tighter grip on yourself as you try to control your thoughts and speech in an attempt to not offend the perpetually offended. In the end it is a losing battle as you are wrapped tighter and tighter in the chains of the religion which has no flexibility or forgiveness. Could you ever imagine the cult forgiving Trump for his imagined sins, there is no forgiveness for you either.

This cult is run fundamentally with the media as its enforcer. If you run afoul of their dictates you will be virtually stoned to death socially. For women it gives them a path to purity but for boys it leads to pent up frustration. There is no way for a boy to blow off steam and have a good time with the boys since there is no joking or humor only offense. You cannot make jokes at anybody’s expense or Obama forbid you make a sex joke that would cost you your job or more. So now we have young boys wrapped in chains and gagged while trying to figure out how to be a good person.

Unlike Christianity where a person can get to a place of surrender and ask for God’s unending mercy there is no mercy or forgiveness in this religion. Only a deeper and deeper path into the darkness as you attempt to control your mouth and thoughts. You can never be a perfect person according to liberalism and especially if you are White since you are on unforgivable sinner to start. Then you add Global Warming and your use of fossil fuels making you guilty every morning of every day slipping you deeper and deeper into emptiness, depression, suicide and now mass murder.

There is no way to perfection. Humans are walking through life playing an impossible game. It is like playing golf in that a perfect score is 18 all hole in ones. Nobody is going to score 18 it is impossible so you attempt to get as close to perfection as you possibly can. The closest anyone is going to get is perhaps within 40 or 50 strokes of that score but you can never reach it on your own.

One way you can do it is to change the rules and carry the ball to within a foot of the hole and tap it in 18 times for your perfect score but you never really scored an 18, you cheated. That is what this cult is doing, cheating life. It goes around personal morals and lifestyle and ignores that in favor of their declared societal morality. It changes the rules so everyone is virtuous who follows their doxology is virtuous. The problem is they have to live their lives in chains trying to reach perfection leading to emptiness and depression. Deep down they know they are simply dropping the ball in the cup by their own set of rules.

The other way is to play the game the best you can and then have God erase the bad holes and put a 1 on all of them. He made the course and the game and only he can really keep score. He has unending mercy for his players and when one of them asks for him to make his score perfect he can do it. With God and Jesus he can simply say the word and all of your sins are forgiven from the first day to the last and there are no longer any chains. You can laugh and joke without the fear of someone being offended and enjoy a good sense of humor. You no longer have to worry about using the wrong word at the wrong time since we are all sinners and all flawed since nobody can have all hole in ones. You are simply commanded to love one another as God loves you.

America has two paths to go down. One is the path of living oppressed with chains around your body and a gag on your mouth. We are seeing the fruits of that life with mass suicide and shootings. Nobody wants to talk about what is really causing it and only wanting to deflect and blame the people they disagree with. The other is towards Jesus and forgiveness. You will still be playing on a course that you can never achieve perfection, but at the end he can perfect your imperfections. This is freedom from emptiness and depression and the ability to think and speak for yourself.

This is a sad time for America as we have mass murders and we cannot even grieve. The minute the bodies hit the pavement there are vultures trying to make political points off the warm corpse. They don’t care about the killed or their families, they only want to further their political career and make as many virtue points as possible by “caring” more than you do. It is time to step back and ask what is happening and what is causing these boys to kill people? When we get to that point then we can really see what is going on. We need to look at how this society is driving young men to do the unthinkable and why. The real answer points towards Jesus and his forgiveness.

Pray America wakes

Note: The above opinion is not necessarily my own, but FReeper Bray’s. If you wish to discuss this, please ping Bray.

6 posted on 08/11/2019 5:23:10 AM PDT by Alas Babylon! (The media is after us. Trump's just in the way.)
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To: Alas Babylon!

Morning AB, All. As always, thank you AB for doing this thread so reliably and keeping the peace with gentle thread policing. Thank you Bray for weekly written wisdom, Thank you Rodguy for fishing tales and political perspectives from all angles, Thank all yon contributors for excellent commentary to flesh it all out.


Below are the words from my daily political diary. It is quite long so scroll on by if not interested. But do stay around and add your commentary and point of view to the thread.



Yes the country came into a bit of a mess when on Saturday night a shooter ran into a busy section of Dayton, Ohio, a Conner Betts shot and killed nine people, one of them his own sister. He injured dozens of others.

His background is quite interesting.



The Ohio gunman described himself on social media as a pro-Satan “leftist” who wanted Joe Biden’s generation to die off, hated President Trump and law enforcement, and hoped to vote for Sen. Elizabeth Warren for president.


Earlier that day a Patrick Crusius drove ten miles to El Paso Texas, walked into a Walmart, and shot and killed now up to 14 people, injuring many others.


The descriptions of the perps are all over the place BUT they are both creeps and loser-burgers.

The bigger story of these shootings than giving a bullshit about these losers is the chatter going on with the political class.

The Democrats went total batshit nuts. “TAKE AWAY THEIR GUNS” some shouted. That Beto O’Rourke, who once represented El Paso, had a whole bunch of silly stuff to say.

President Trump appeared on TV earlier on the day of this writing. He mentioned the new catch phrase of the day…’WHITE SUPREMECISTS” . Now here’s a new term to mock and degrade an entire race based on absolutely nothing.

Trump advocated a quick death penalty for these mass shooters. The thing is the Crusius fellow is still alive. Mass shooters generally do not have a long shelf life, often shot dead during their horrific act.

Lots of funerals and heartbreaks for those killed during a shooting spree by nothing-nothings who will go straight to hell, do not pass go, as soon as they take their last breath.




Seems that faker Jussie Smolliett lost a few thousand bucks by selling his home in California.

At least he got some punishment.

Jussie Smollett has sold his San Fernando Valley view home in the foothills above Studio City, Calif., to a non-famous couple in a clandestine off-market deal valued at $1.655 million. Unfortunately for the legally beleaguered former “Empire” star, fired in the wake of a controversially dismissed, 16-count felony indictment brought for allegedly staging a fake hate crime with him as the victim, didn’t have much luck on the real estate merry-go-round. Not counting carrying costs, improvement expenses and real estate fees, Smollett took a $30,000 loss on the hillside contemporary bungalow that, as was sussed out by the Blast, he scooped up during better professional days, a bit more than two years ago, for $1.687 million.


I don’t know if this item belongs under political miscellany but I got to get this off my chest.

Her name is JESSICA TARLOV and I hate, hate , hate her. Now there’s plenty of other Fox pundits I disliked but this piece of crap with her awful, awful, awful voice….and not to mention her political views, liberal, stupid…..PLEASE….FOX FIRE THIS WOMAN!!!




I admit I don’t understand much about tariffs and I know even less about currency manipulation.

So much as I know, a country’s currency can be manipulated in comparison to another just by them saying so?

Example, China’s dollar, whatever it’s called now, is worth 75 cents to a U.S. dollar. So when America buys a shipment of steel from China valued at $100,000, America would only have to pay $75,000.?

The next day the Chinese money is blessed by the current dictator to be a Chinese dollar worth 1.25% of an American dollar. So that same Chinese steel shipment, valued still at $100,000, would cost America $125,000?

I probably got the above all wrong but as I see it, China has a multitude of ways to get money out of America and has never been honest about it.

So President Trump, a man quite experienced with the international market place, is on to China. And unlike many presidents before him he dared to take on China.

Yesterday before this writing, the stock market dropped almost 800 points. I was a bit distraught in that ALL of my 401K is in the stock market.

Today, after Trump stood his ground, China buckled. The stock market is back up over 26,000…..and continues to rise.

The Chinese don’t like when THEY get cheated. Or demanded to be fair, which they also don’t like.



First, Neil Cavuto took on Ohio Senator’s Tim Ryan on his show 8/5/19 and I was stunned.

As I watched Cavuto asked Ryan if ole Bernie was responsible for the baseball game shootings, done by a supporter. The argument between the two went on and I was pleased as all get out. If more pundits/journalists went after politicos and their lies like Cavuto did, maybe we’d get a little truth once in a while.

Below, a video of that interview for those readers who too want a smile.


“What was the environment under Barack Obama when we had shootings?” Cavuto asked. “You pick and choose, but you don’t like Donald Trump, right?”

Ryan said he’s not picking and choosing because the last few presidents were not “creating an environment around the color of people’s skin.”

Cavuto told him linking Trump’s rhetoric to a shooting is a leap.

“I’m not taking a leap. I’m telling it like it is,” Ryan said. “I’m telling you exactly how I see it. I’m sorry it’s the case and I’m sorry it may cut against somebody’s political beliefs and they may agree with Trump’s political philosophy, which is fine. If there is one, it’s fine. I’m talking about him creating an environment of intolerance in the United States. Instead of ‘out of many one,’ He divides us. You know it and everybody else that pays a little bit of attention understands that this is his M.O. This is what he does.”

As they argued Cavuto again told him he’s going too far and while Ryan continued making his point Cavuto abruptly ended the interview.

When he returned from break, Cavuto apologized to viewers “if I appeared rude” in his interview with Ryan, reiterating he doesn’t like the finger-pointing.


But of course the genius of Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) comes into play as she too blames President Trump for the shootings.



Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) late Monday said that President Trump's divisive rhetoric on immigration was "directly responsible" for the mass shooting in El Paso, Texas that left at least 22 people dead. The freshman New York congresswoman made the comments while speaking at a vigil in Brooklyn for the victims of the shooting in El Paso and Dayton, Ohio, according to the New York Daily News. “I’m tired of the questioning if the president is racist. He is,” Ocasio-Cortez told a crowd of about 500 people, the newspaper noted. 






Thurs -8/8/19


But goodness we all now know that President Trump caused those two nutty men kill over 30 people.

Democrat Congressman Joaquin Castro, represents a district that encompasses San Antonio, Texas. Using his twitter account today, Representative Castro posted a list of local donors to the Donald Trump campaign directing his followers to target those ordinary citizens.

He put the names of Trump donors on a twitter account? Why?

Hoping somebody might kill a few of these people lest we be stupid enough to give more money to Trump.

All the Dems are saying is that Trump is fanning the flames.

Because they’re all awful, unfair people.

A guy shoots up a congressional baseball game, a Bernie Sanders fan, but Democrats aren’t mentioning this. The Dayton guy loved Elizabeth Warren but nobody mentions that.

Word came out via Ted Cruz that a plan will soon be in place to introduce suggested legislation regarding so-called “red flags” FOR THE STATES.

Also it is said that additional congressional action will be taken to budget federal grants to be awarded to states who enact an attempt to predict those who will kill BEFORE they do it.

Folks, the Dayton guy, for example, drew up a list of females he wanted to rape and others he wanted to kill. Story is that he was known as an oddball and some of his acquaintances turned him in.

RED FLAGs…..not going to happen.

At some point we will all be on that list, investigated and harassed by …well that wonderful FBI is a good choice. The FBI only investigates and arrests INNOCENT people.

It’s not that it couldn’t be remotely possible that these nutjobs could be discovered before innocents die. How about word gets out, loud and with volume….IF YOU THREATEN TO KILL PEOPLE IN ANY KIND OF PUBLIC SETTING YOU WILL BE PUT ON A LIST OF PEOPLE TO BE INVESTIGATED AS A DANGER.

Give a bunch of other things we might do to cause those around us to point fingers.

Don’t just leave it up to the FBI….goodness you might get Comey and he’ll take notes, turn you over to the NY Times and have you arrested.

If we all know what we shouldn’t do to cast us under suspicion, maybe something could be built fair and square and let’s leave the worst federal police force in the world, the FBI, out of it.

But if ole Joe Blow from Ohio knew that he shouldn’t be publishing rape and murder lists lest he be suspected….THAT DOES NOT MEAN HE WON’T TAKE A GUN AND KILL SOMEONE.

I have serious doubts about the gubmint getting involved in this and oh, did I mention, keep that wonderful well-respected FBI far away from any of this.




See? President Trump never said such a thing but if they can accuse him of being a danger to innocent people, the president for God’s sake, you think they wouldn’t say the same about you?


From The Hill


MSNBC host Nicolle Wallace issued an apology on Tuesday for saying President Trump is “talking about exterminating Latinos” during a recent television program.

 "I misspoke about Trump calling for an extermination of Latinos," she tweeted Tuesday night. "My mistake was unintentional and I’m sorry. Trump’s constant assault on people of color and his use of the word 'invasion' to describe the flow of immigrants is intentional and constant."



NOT Politics by Pat


I do not want to ring up my own groceries dammit.

Now I learn that one self-service cashier died at the hands of the El Paso shooter.

I don’t want to look stupid to all around me, be self-conscious, make mistakes.

I simply will not. I will change stores if need be. Walmart….GOODBYE!!!



I love TV shows about animals and here’s one about a Veterinarian who services pets and farm animals. It’s a good show but folks, I just cannot watch Dr. Pol put his entire arm up either a sheep’s behind or a cow’s uterus. His stories of the dogs and cats are good and it’s a fairly well-produced show.

But no, no more hineys and private parts. And a lot of times I am eating my dinner when I watch this show.

No….no more.

  Fri - 8/9/19


Oh my goodness.

Here we have a former FBI agent coming out with a theory, with crazy reasoning, that President Trump is really a….NAZI!

Peddled by non other than a disgraced Brian Williams, for some reason never pushed back on the whacko, leading and aided Figliuzzi for him to say Trump either knowingly read out the hidden Nazi message or rejecting the advise from others that 8/8 had a hidden message.

This is not just some rando that MSNBC picked up from the streets, this is a Fmr. FBI Assistant Director for Counterintelligence, going overboard to 'link' this nonsense.



MSNBC contributor Frank Figliuzzi, a former FBI counterintelligence official, floated a conspiracy theory - FRANK FIGLIUZZI: "... We have to understand the adversary and the threat we’re dealing with. And if we don't understand how they think, we’ll never understand how to counter them. So, it’s little things and language and messaging that matters. The President said that we will fly our flags at half-mast until August 8th. That's 8/8.

Now, I'm not going to imply that he did this deliberately but I am using it as an example of the ignorance of the adversary that’s being demonstrated by the White House. The numbers “88” are very significant in neo-Nazi and white supremacy movement. Why? Because the letter “H” is the eighth letter of the alphabet and, to them, the numbers “88” together stand for “Heil Hitler.” So, we’re going to be raising the flag back up at dusk on 8/8. No one is thinking about this. No one is giving him the advice or he's rejecting the advice. So understand your adversary to counter the adversary."



No wonder the American people don’t trust the FBI any more.



Twitter suspended his account because he put a link to the drama of the nut jobs protesting outside of his house.

Facebook, Twitter, Google….control the world. 




Indeed a bunch of elite types go to a place where they hunt to kill, I am not making this up, a group of humans called “the deplorables”.

Once upon a time I believed I lived in a very safe country. My army was strong, the police force, both federal and local was strong and honest. I had certain rights that I have no more. My elected folk get out in public and lie about the duly elected President and they talk bad about my country.

Now there are movies that show us killed for who we are.

It is no longer a safe country.



Our intelligence services are perfectly awful. And after 9-11 the country formed yet another agency, one that would be in charge of the other 5,000.

They are now, and have been for quite a while, run by Communists and Deep State enthusiasts.

But things are changing. I don’t know Sue Gordon from anybody but she’s out the door. And, I point out, she’s NOT going to be the acting Director of the National Intelligence Agency.

Deputy Director of National Intelligence Sue Gordon is resigning from her post amid turnover at the top of the agency, The Office of Director of National Intelligence (DNI) did not immediately respond to a request for comment.


From Trump’s Tweet:

I am pleased to inform you that the Honorable Joseph Maguire, current Director of the National Counterterrorism Center, will be named Acting Director of National Intelligence, effective August 15th. Admiral Maguire has a long and distinguished....




The FBI released 34 pages of notes, known as “302s,” of its 2016 and 2017 interviews with Bruce Ohr, the DOJ official who met with the British dossier author Christopher Steele and opposition research firm Fusion GPS’s Glen Simpson.

Ohr’s wife, Nellie Ohr, worked for Fusion GPS throughout the 2016 presidential campaign, when they were hired by the Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Convention.





Former Vice President Joe Biden claimed that “poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids,” while addressing the Asian and Latino Coalition in Des Moines, Iowa on Thursday.


We must deduce from Biden’s wisdom, that poor kids are NOT white.




7 posted on 08/11/2019 5:24:59 AM PDT by Fishtalk
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To: bray
Good one,if you look close none of these mass murderers should have been surprises to law enforcement. They all have trails that should have been traveled. From 32 calls by law enforcement to messages left anywhere and everywhere they all yelled out for help or notice and few took heed.We need to change the way we monitor some of these loony clowns.
Now the real story of the week Epstein's fake death.Here's what is gong on here on FR we have it under review and little of his supposed death makes any sense.;page=51

See my #66 at the above link.
Little makes sense in the Epstein debacle. He's way too valuable to leave in a locally run federal pen where he is subject to the bribes of anyone working there.
I doubt the CIA or Mossad would go for that very long.
They probably doubled him up and did a slick replacement with the CIA using their get anywhere anytime national security card to get Epstein out of jail.Hes probably back on one of the St.James’ he owns plotting who to keep compromised and who to send to jail with the feds right now.
He was far too valuable to let rot in jail.

13 posted on 08/11/2019 5:38:16 AM PDT by rodguy911 (Maga: USA supports Trump. Home of the Free because of the brave.)
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To: Alas Babylon!

No red flag laws...those are disguised minority report stuff...meds and parents who are godless and act like friends, not parents...those are the roots of our killers....especially vacant can be in the same room and be vacant.

14 posted on 08/11/2019 5:38:39 AM PDT by CincyRichieRich (Vote for President Trump in 2020 or end up equally miserable, no rights, and eating zoo animals)
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