Clueless. That Congress was lead by the Chamber of Commerce Amnesty RINOs. Never Trumpers. They’re still plenty there, like in the Senate. Enough of US (that is “WE”) keep them in office.
And the travel ban debacle took a whole YEAR to get that particular decision overturned.
You do know that the courts are STILL banning his orders?
The whole thing is a legal whack-a-mole.
Meanwhile he had the whole Mueller thing over his head.
I’ll bet you could not take ONE DAY of what Donald Trump is subjected to, LOL.
Meanwhile, who beside him is our champion? Tell me the Republican, democrat or ANYONE with the untouchable power to stop the illegal onslaught and I’ll concede. It doesn’t exist as long as “WE” keep electing certain people.
I am dismayed, truly. But I don’t blame Trump.
Whatever, dude. You defended jorge busho as a master tactician even when he went on television, “Islam is a religion of peace!” Didn’t you?