Again, this is why democracy does not work. Most people are just too ignorant to be worthy to self govern. It is also why the founding fathers created a Constitutional Republic which is no where near close to a pure democracy.
I know a large and very conservative Evangelical church there......wait till this gets disseminated to them!
Like button hit.
Thank you! We must challenge the notion that we are a Democracy at every opportunity.
No mob ever created anything.
I found this little gem re-watching this John Wayne movie on Western movie night.
The trouble with the ignorant in positions of power is that they invent fantasy worlds and force others to live in them.
Stories like this simply illustrate that when education is deliberately dumbed down (primarily to erase Western Civilization) then you don’t get to pick and choose what students do bother learning. If they are too medicated/stoned/distracted with electronic gadgets or sexual images, then they’ll learn as much about European history in the 1930s/1940s as they will about trigonometry (very little).