Has anyone told the Democrats this is unconstitutional? You cannot grant government benefits based on descent. Rice v. Cayetano.
Went through that one (Rice v. Cayetano) really fast but just wow.
That is a LONG road to get down.
But you are correct, that is, in the end, exactly what that case indicates.
It is unconstitutional, as you say. But they will get commission to review the whole thing. There will be four key problems:
1. Some blacks will be noted as being descendants that came into the US after 1865 (coming out of the Caribbean Island and South America). It’s probably less than 2-percent, but they won’t be eligible for this ‘deal’.
2. The amount will be questioned. Some will suggest $100,000, and some will suggest $10,000.
3. Some will suggest that you simply pay out the sum, agree to this quickly....then trim and cut all slum-support funding from that day on. Logically, everyone is even from that day on and you won’t support any inner-city programs.
4. Finally, you come to the American Indian problem. Shouldn’t they get reparations, and ahead of the blacks?