Story was written by someone with no knowledge of cultural history. Negro was commonly used until the mid-70s. Look at most newspaper articles from 1973 and blacks will be commonly referred to as negro. The exception might be for stories dealing with political black activists and black counterculture. The transition period from negro to black lasted about 10 years from the late 60s to the late 70s. By the late 70s the name negro had pretty much vanished except for historically defined usage such as the United Negro College Fund.
If jesse jackson and sharpton endorse biden, he’l get at least 85% of the black vote.
Are they clean and articulate?
Twenty so far announced and they are only going to allow ten
on the stage for debates. Two debates per round so four will
not get to present their wares to the debate audiences.
Won’t it be a hoot when HilLIARY winds up being their most viable candidate -— and she’s already in Jail!
Biden wasn’t soaring anywhere.
He can’t claim that was ancient history because he said obama cleaned up well.
This is pretty impressive when you consider the amount of baggage he had to drag along in order to get himself there.
True until you consider the miscreants he’s running against!
Millennial nephew was over today complaining about Biden’s “hypocrisy” - how he’s now condemning the crime bill which he helped write and pass twenty years ago and which resulted in the jailing of thousands of “non-violent” illegal-drug users - methinks Joe is going to be having some troubles with marijuana fans, young and old, along with his others.......