Libertarians are not the friends of conservatives. Their platform is pro-abort, pro-sodomite, pro-open borders, one world globalism.
Libertarians tend to be as anti-Trump as Democrats, because Trump is a threat to globalism. It is actually a tenant of Libertarianism to support ELIMINATION of ALL national borders.
Amash is cut from the same cloth as Ilya Somin (another Libertarian anti-Trumper.)
They HATE the fact that President Trump wants to maintain America’s sovereignty.
Many conservatives falsely believe that Libertarians are our friends because of the libertarian (small l) principles of conservatism in relation to small government.
One should never confuse the two. Libertarians are as dangerous as other globalist fulls.
Libertarians tend to be split on abortion and the legitimacy of national borders. However, almost all of them oppose the necessary steps to enforce borders, such as passports, border guards, rounding up illegal immigrants and sending them back, etc. IOW, I don’t think they are all intentionally globalist, but the realistic result of their policies is a world without borders.
They are traitors just the same and we have no aversion to hanging them too.