There is a meme out that has a picture of Obama and four economy related graphs, each made up of two data points about unemployment rates, stock market, etc. The first is from a time near the end of the Bush 2 administration, when the countrys fiapnancial picture went into a tailspin. The second is at the end of the zerO administration. Of course, things financial began to improve as soon as Trump was elected.
The graphs are very misleading, just like basing global warming data on the starting temperatures of the mid-seventies, when scientists were predicting a coming mini-ice age. In both cases, a look at a graph showing some years before the carefully chosen start would give a very different picture.
People are not stupid who believe it but they are misled.
I used to believe that these persons were misled. Perhaps some of them are just ‘misled’ as you state. The evidence supports another theory, that they are misleading themselves: They hang around with groups that give them misinformation. They don’t go to opposing news services to see what people are saying. They don’t seek out other people’s opinion. They don’t turn off MSNBC and Facebook and try to get hard facts. No, it’s not a passive process, it’s active. They don’t want the truth, they don’t seek the truth, they turn away from the truth because it doesn’t support their belief system.
They aren’t misled, they know they are wrong and don’t want to come to terms with what it means. They are avoiding that pain, that reality, because it’s painful.