I’m skeptical. The left wing media again conspiring to delude the public for a hidden agenda. They probably want taxpayers to foot the bill to pay off these student’s college loans, since the students don’t even have enough money to eat.
“students college loans”
A lot of times the $$$ go to party time.
want the taxpayers to pay.....
And (honestly I need to lose weight, too) look at the average group of ten college students. About 4 are overweight, usually. I noticed the Walmart cardboard ad showed a heavy woman promoting their generics. And a TV ad showed a heavy nurse checking on patients for some drug.
More Amy Schumers around than Kate Uptons.
I happened to see a picture of a routine gathering of some people (maybe 100) listening to someone speak. Maybe 1950s. Only 1 or 2 out of the entire group were overweight. All others were average normal weight. Not today.
That is precisely what this is about. Since when don’t colleges have dining halls?
I’ll bet these spoiled brats have plenty of money for beer and pot. And since when won’t their mothers feed them? Don’t they have homes they came from?