CNN needs to be reminded of the Nuremberg trials...
Their brain are engaged trying to save face and keep the witch hunt alive.
Look for the same DNC talking points ..
I guess if the Boss of the executive branch wants to fire someone below’s an impeachable offense
These are the days to revisit Spiro Agnew speeches. He was quite ahead of his time. We should have heeded his advice.
The report changed no ones mind. It wasn’t expected to do so. It is just a speed bump on the left’s road to a total Marxist style power grab. They will keep up until they either win or are eliminated with extreme prejudice. MAGA!!!!
Who says psychology is a worthless major when you vast segments of the American population who believe this concocted fantasy, and are in dire need of professional mental health counseling!
The Clinton News Network is in tears !
Trump has been completely exonerated !
The bottom line of the Mueller Report:
Mueller contends that Trump tried to obstruct him from finding out that Trump did not collude with the Russians.
Barely watched CNN grasping at straws.
There wasn’t anything, they just try to cover themselves with such claims.
In my own job, my boss makes some request and we talk it over. If I offer enough reasons to change my boss's mind, did I "fail to carry out orders?"
“In the report, special counsel Robert Mueller outlined why obstruction by President Trump failed. It failed because others refused to “carry out orders.”
In other words: NO OBSTRUCTION
So, what CNN is picking out of this 440+ page report is that Trump was hot-headed because the Democrats had successfully BULLSH!TTED their way into a witch hunt, and Trump wanted to cut the witch hunt off before it grew any kind of legs on which to stand.
This would be like me hearing Billy telling some bold faced lies about me. After someone heard me say, “I am going to kill Billy!” They want to have me arrested and put to the death penalty!
I mean Billy isn’t dead, Billy wasn’t even TOUCHED! Billy doesn’t even know that I said I wanted him dead! BUT...because I SAID IT, I should be arrested, prosecuted and put to death!
This would be funny, if we weren’t talking about the FIFTH COLUMN of the U.S. support system, attempting to actually undermine the other damn columns!!
Nonsense. If you conspire with someone to do something that is illegal, you can still be charged whether or not they follow through with the crime or not.
Thank goodness, I once told my brother to go rob a bank. Thankfully he never did it so I’m not a convicted bank robber. Twisted logic.
I am going to start a pool on how many times congressional Dems and the media uses the word Watergate relative to Muellers report not exculpating Trump on an obstruction charge while finding no evidence that he could be convicted of the same. My guess is 1.4 billion times. Sorry, gents, its not as if Mueller found he destroyed e mails or billing records or found his dna on a dress.
I don’t understand the obstruction claims at all. Why would someone “obstruct” an investigation into nothing at all?