Actually, Trump has no option but to run for re election.
The Democrats have become so toxic and vindictive that Trump has no choice but to serve a full 8 years to take down his enemies and build up his base
If Trump leaves office in 2020, he and his family will be ruined - or worse
I agree. If Trump said eff this sh8t, I’m done, it would be a win for the opposition. He needs to stay strong.
I listened to Donald Jr to Hannity, on his radio show and it looks like they are fired up for the pay back. They know this turn of events has locked up the 2020 reelection for Donald Sr. Jay Sekulow earlier hinted that a strategy is in place, but wouldn't talk about it. Count on a payback that hits hard--very hard.
Rush talked about the corruption of America's intelligence community:
"I wouldnt be surprised if this goes all the way to the Oval Office in the Obama administration, but we cant leave out the fact that the American mainstream media have participated and have colluded, have conspired with all of these people from the Obama Department of Justice and the intelligence agencies to sabotage and undermine the basic tenets and principles of this country."