Why don’t we have the names of these prominent people? Why did they only release the two names?
the names have been posted on Free Republic and the court documents are public with the indictments and names. Don’t expect the media to do it, almost all of them are Democrat donors.
"Today's arrests should be a warning to others: You can't pay to play, you can't
cheat to get ahead because you will get caught," Bonavolonta said.
Others charged in the case are: John Vandemoer, 41, the head sailing coach at Stanford University Gordon Ernst, 52, former head coach of men and women's tennis at Georgetown University Ali Khoroshahin, 49, the former head coach of women's soccer at USC Laura Janke, 36, former assistant coach of women's soccer at USC Jorge Salcedo, 46, the former head coach of men's soccer at UCLA Michael Center, 54, the had coach of men's tennis at the University of Texas at Austin Martin Fox, 62, president of a private tennis academy in Houston Gamal Abdelaziz, 62, of Las Vegas Diane Blake, 55, and Todd Blake, 53, of San Francisco Jane Buckingham, 50, of Beverly Hills I-Hin "Joey" Chen, 64, of Newport Beach Amy Colburn, 59, and Gregory Colburn, 61, of Palo Alto, California Robert Flaxman, 62, of Laguna Beach, California Elizabeth Henriquez, 56, and Manuel Henriquez, 55, of Atherton, California Douglas Hodges, 61, of Laguna Beach, California Agustin Huneeus Jr., 53, of San Francisco Bruce Isackson, 61, and Davina Isackson, 55, of Hillsborough, California Michelle Janavs, 48, of Newport Coast, California Elisabeth Kimmel, 54, of Las Vegas Marjorie Klapper, 50, of Menlow Park, California Toby MacFarlane; 56; of Del Mar, California Devin Sloane, 53, of Los Angeles John Wilson, 59, of Hyannis Port, Massachusetts Homayoun Zadeh, 57, of Calabasas, California Marci Palatella, 63, of Healdburg, California Peter Jan Sartorio, 53, of Menlo Park, California Stephen Semprevivo, 53, of Los Angeles.
This is the one time they may not be withholding their identity because they are black,illegal or muslim.
But because they are flaming rich white leftist.