Something else to think about ...
Tomorrow’s immigration battles will be fought in front of judges PICKED BY TRUMP - and THAT’S why we need Mitch McConnell on our side. THAT is the reason why Trump is playing ball here with Mitch and this 7-month TEMPORARY spending bill.
Senator Majority Leader McConnell now owes Trump for covering his ass, and that of the GOP, in regards to averting another shut down. In the meantime, I guarantee you that Trump has told Mitch, in no uncertain terms, that the stonewalling on confirmation of his nominees for federal judicial vacancies ends PDQ. No more screwing with his agenda.
If Congress wants to make it a fight between Article 1 and Article 2 of the Constitution, playing games with appropriations, etc (power of the purse) then President Trump has the power to totally screw Congress with his executive actions. Sit back, grab some popcorn and enjoy the show.
Moreover the a-holes, lately infecting FR, who keep pushing the Coulter narrative that Trump does whatever Ivanka and Kushner tell him, need to go jump off a high cliff. People ought know by now that Trump listens to ALL points of view - but, in the end, he trusts HIS gut, and makes HIS own decisions. Period. FULL EFFING STOP.
Will the poison pills, like unaccompanied-illegal minors can't be deported, expire in 7 months?
How many illegal families can enter in 7 months?