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Mitch McConnell is going to force the Senate to vote on Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's Green New Deal
Posted on 02/12/2019 4:46:04 PM PST by Red in Blue PA
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said Tuesday that the Senate would vote on the Green New Deal introduced last week by Sen. Edward Markey, D-Mass., and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y.
"I've noted with great interest the Green New Deal, and we're going to be voting on that in the Senate to give everybody an opportunity to go on record," McConnell told reporters.
The bill, which is not expected to pass the Republican-dominated upper chamber, could force some Democrats to make a politically awkward calculation.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
TOPICS: Breaking News; News/Current Events; US: Kentucky; US: Massachusetts; US: New York
KEYWORDS: edmarkey; edwardmarkey; globalwarming; greennewdeal; markey; mcconnell; mitchmcconnell; newgreendeal; ocasiocortez; rentfree; rentfreeonfr; search; senate
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To: david1292
They don’t chicken out..they are for it.
posted on
02/13/2019 5:07:32 AM PST
(It's.. (W)all or nothing..!)
To: david1292
They don’t chicken out..they are for it.
Or, at least they are not against it.
posted on
02/13/2019 5:08:07 AM PST
(It's.. (W)all or nothing..!)
To: Pearls Before Swine
Theater on theater. The bill is a resolution wish list, not a set of laws. Its theater, not legislation.
With the massive right/left divide in America these days isn't most of Congress just Kabuki Theater?
posted on
02/13/2019 5:39:03 AM PST
( #44, the UNKNOWN Manchurian Candidate)
To: Red in Blue PA
If it doesn’t pass, Mitch McConnell, in order to be helpful, should vote on individual components to see which could be passed, in order to safe the planet...
Eliminate internal combustion engines by 2030? (Yes/No)
Replace air travel with high speed rail by 2030? (Yes/No)
Ban all cows? (Yes/No)
Guaranteed income for those unwilling to work? (Yes/No)
posted on
02/13/2019 5:51:53 AM PST
Haiku Guy
To: laplata
I get it. Regardless of how the Dems vote, though, they’ll be able to weasel around it. It’s a non-binding resolution; it’s unclear.
Haven’t you heard people “explain” their votes before? No one cares, no one really remembers in most cases.
posted on
02/13/2019 5:53:01 AM PST
Pearls Before Swine
( "It's always a party when you're eating the seed corn.")
To: TigersEye
... all hes doing is giving this airhead congresswoman more free press. Good! More people should know about the insane things these commies want to impose on our country.
BUT most of my relatives get their "news" from the old stream media who will never turn on Occasional Cortex, Booker, and the likes of Carmel. These are the current generation's leaders of the Church of Liberalism.
These folk have never heard of Breitbart, Drudge, Power Line, etc. They continue in their state of ignorance and stupidity listening to these talking heads night after night and think this NGD is the New Deal and a fine solution. I say nothing is changing the mind of these old stream media fed LIV types.
posted on
02/13/2019 6:15:40 AM PST
( #44, the UNKNOWN Manchurian Candidate)
To: grey_whiskers
posted on
02/13/2019 6:18:29 AM PST
( #44, the UNKNOWN Manchurian Candidate)
To: Red in Blue PA
Be careful what you wish for...
It might pass.
To: Dagnabitt
posted on
02/13/2019 6:28:22 AM PST
( #44, the UNKNOWN Manchurian Candidate)
To: Red in Blue PA
And when it passes, then what?
To: Pearls Before Swine
I understand your good points. Thanks.
posted on
02/13/2019 6:51:48 AM PST
(The Left/Progressives have diseased minds.)
To: Cheerio; Pearls Before Swine
Theater on theater. The bill is a resolution wish list, not a set of laws. Its theater, not legislation.
With the massive right/left divide in America these days isn’t most of Congress just Kabuki Theater?
Presume you meant the divide in the REAL world...there’s not much different between the ‘right’ & ‘left’ in ALL levels of govt (as O’Care has shown, the (R)N(C) love it as much...they just think they can run it *better*)
As this vote shows, it’s more time/energy wasted on nothing while deadlines loom and D.C. get another case of “We’re got to do *something* (to protect our phony-baloney jobs)...N-O-W”
posted on
02/13/2019 7:23:11 AM PST
(One could not count the number of *solutions*, if only govt followed\enforced the Constitution.)
To: ozarkgirl
I would love to hear the floor debate.
posted on
02/13/2019 9:23:33 AM PST
(If you are not prepared to use force to defend civilization, then be prepared to accept barbarism.)
To: Red in Blue PA
When you have a congress lib saying something every bit as stupid as "Guam could tip over and capsize", you have to shout it from the roof tops!
I think it is a great idea to call a vote.
To: Red in Blue PA
Welcome to the big leagues, Sandy.
posted on
02/13/2019 11:09:08 AM PST
( God bless Donald Trump.)
To: AnotherUnixGeek
I wasn't as angry at AOC's ignorance and the fact that she got elected <
I was angry to the point of yelling that the press and democrat party was taking her serious !
Now we got this clown McConnell stirring the pot.
posted on
02/13/2019 11:22:29 AM PST
KTM rider
( .......than to post and remove all doubt)
To: Red in Blue PA
Hey Mitch How about a vote to abolish the Affordable Healthcare Act.....OH no we have to vote on a green new deal instead
posted on
02/13/2019 11:26:16 AM PST
KTM rider
( .......than to post and remove all doubt)
To: Black Agnes
"And when it passes, then what?"
The Peesident will VETO.
posted on
02/13/2019 11:26:40 AM PST
(A Realistically Really Real Housewife)
To: SilvieWaldorfMD
It sets a bad precedent.
You do realize every kiddo under 30 thinks this is a totally great idea. And in 5 years even more of those kiddos will be voting. Right?
To: Black Agnes
Didn’t mean to call him “Peesident” - type-o.
You have a point.
posted on
02/13/2019 11:29:46 AM PST
(A Realistically Really Real Housewife)
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