I wish opponents would focus on what it requires rather than what it hopes to achieve. It requires elimination of 2 (at least) principles our country was founded on
1) Consent of the governed - stated in the preamble to the Declaration of Independence
2) Property rights - the 16th has eroded this right, but the green new deal would end it
Neither party cares about these now but it’s still possible for them to regain some respect. Once the bureaucracy and revenue/tax mechanisms are put in place to implement the green new deal, these two principles will be almost impossible to get back without a change of government.
Progressives will try to convince people that only “the rich” will be taxed. We need to educate people that EVERYONE (and their employer) will lose the right to property as long as our country exists - restoring rights is VERY RARE while continuous expansion of government power (and need for our money) has happened in every government in history. The end of the country will have started once we lose property rights and more often than not replacing the government is not pretty.
And its goal isn't a clean environment. It's the elimination of the two principles you mentioned...(1) Consent of the governed and (2) Property rights.
The Green New Deal is nothing but a vehicle for socialism.
If the Left were currently concerned with the fear of extraterrestrial invasion, the Congressional Resolution would have been a "Stop the UFO's New Deal."