Poor is the man whose pleasures depend on the permission of another. Madonna Ciccone
This is from the video of Justify My Love (1990) and I have never found an earlier source thus have to credit her as the origin.
My point? Males have been forced into this position. We seek women’s approval, walk through a dangerous gauntlet of acceptable male speech and behavior every day at work and school (did you acccidentally compliment a woman? Demeaning, sexist, you are on report for a violation. Did you say “girl” instead of woman? Did you assume you could accomplish something rather than ask the woman boss for her permission? All day. Every day.)
As others have said, it is terrible for a young man today to try dating a woman. She holds all the cards. If she changes her mind later or sees you with a new love, she can get revenge by pressing sexual assault charges or simply destroying your professional career.
A quote I heard two weeks ago:
All males now have to believe that they have to be grateful to get any sex at any time.
Biggest argument for legalized prostitution, IMO, is the state of young women today and our JustUs system.