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To: TigerClaws
Clever marketing trick....
To: TigerClaws
I see black people wearing white shoes all the time.
This stuff has to stop.
27 posted on
02/08/2019 8:18:13 AM PST by
(Just shut up Obama. Maybe everyone should just shut up!)
To: TigerClaws
LOL!! Who knew inanimate objects, especially the color, were racists! LOL!! Ignorant fools!
To: TigerClaws
Insane. Not just the white race, but now the COLOR white is hated?
Sometimes I think this is not going to end well.
30 posted on
02/08/2019 8:21:14 AM PST by
(Dog is man's best friend, and moslems hate dogs. Add that up. ....)
To: TigerClaws
Did my eyes deceive me, but haven’t I seen plenty of black people wearing white shoes, including basketball an football stars?
31 posted on
02/08/2019 8:23:19 AM PST by
(I hope Trump runs roughshod over the inevitable obstuctionists, Dems, progs, libs, or RINOs!)
To: TigerClaws
Adidas apologized for introducing an all-white shoe during Black History Month? Oh? So when can we expect the apology to be made for this other all-white fashion faux pas, then?
32 posted on
02/08/2019 8:25:03 AM PST by
To: TigerClaws
Nice looking sneaker,I’ll get a pair.
33 posted on
02/08/2019 8:25:35 AM PST by
( Grease the floor with Crisco when I dance the Disco)
To: TigerClaws
My shoes are white but they identify as dark blue
34 posted on
02/08/2019 8:25:46 AM PST by
(Election 2012: we find it IS possible, to polish a turd.)
To: TigerClaws
It is now forbidden to have anything White when it comes to talking about blacks. Because it’s clear that black people never wore White white shoes in their entire history.
To: TigerClaws
And I hate the tone of this story. Is if G everybody know that you can’t have white shoes for Black History Month.
To: TigerClaws
As a WORLD we have gone NUTZ!
38 posted on
02/08/2019 8:31:09 AM PST by
Don Corleone
(Nothing makes the delusional more furious than truth.)
To: TigerClaws
40 posted on
02/08/2019 8:36:04 AM PST by
(Qanon - Please be real...)
To: TigerClaws
IOW, white shoes step on black soles. Geez, inanimate objects can’t be racist. Those who claim they do are the ones who are racist.
Who the heck cares about Adidas or what they do with their overpriced shoes?
43 posted on
02/08/2019 8:50:53 AM PST by
(CDC site, "We don't know how people are infected with Ebola.S)
To: TigerClaws
Well, yes the shoes are shipped in white.
But Adidas ships the shoes in boxes with a tin of black shoe polish and a rubbing cloth.
To: TigerClaws
So what black people love white furniture why wouldn’t they like all white shoes? It’s just a color, FPS.
45 posted on
02/08/2019 8:53:33 AM PST by
(He's a vindictive SOB but he's *our* vindictive SOB.)
To: TigerClaws
Black eyed peas to be outlawed next.
46 posted on
02/08/2019 8:55:29 AM PST by
(women and children to be impacIQ of chimpsted the most.)
To: TigerClaws
We’re in the realm of the absurd.
To: TigerClaws
51 posted on
02/08/2019 9:03:57 AM PST by
('You Nexus huh? I design your eyes.')
To: TigerClaws
Hating anything white is racist.
54 posted on
02/08/2019 9:07:07 AM PST by
( Hating on Trump is hating on me and America!.)
To: TigerClaws
They should have had either zebra stripes or leopard spots.
57 posted on
02/08/2019 9:20:00 AM PST by
Fresh Wind
(Trump: "America will never be a socialist country!")
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