I’ve lived with an alcoholic abusive father and I’ve had a roommate that was a decent average guy that never raised his voice to me or hit me once. But, he smoked weed a few times a week and enjoyed LSD or mushrooms a couple of times a month. His girlfriend was much the same way.
I know which one I preferred to come home to. You come back to quality of life, but frankly, I don’t see the difference and never have. I’ve been drunk and I’ve sampled (for a few years, multiple times every day) just about every other way to alter your mood. Perhaps if you actually had a conversation with people instead of repeating the ‘reefer madness’ bulls—t that our government (and the goobermint NEVER lies, does it?) has fed you your entire life, you may have a different understanding.
BTW, you can wipe the smirk off your face and knock off the ‘I knew it, just another loser druggie’ thought you just had. I have been off everything (including alcohol) since 1985 when I realized I was turning into daddy dearest...
Never mind, studies have shown pot can cause both paranoia and schizophrenia.
Never mind, traffic fatalities have increased in both Washington state and Colorado since pot was legalized.
The last thing this nation needs are more legal ways to get high.
All you can is compare pot to alcohol, which is a straw man argument. That alcohol might worse doesn't negate the damage done to the quality of life everyone by legalizing pot.