Shoe about to drop on this guy ?
That’s what I’m thinking. I’m also wondering when we’re going to drop a truckload of shoes on some Democrat congresscritters. 40-plus GOP “retirements” from the House and no Democrats...?
Something came up. Only two weeks after a new Congress starts, less than 4 months after the 2018 re-election?
Who got dirt on him?
Why now, and not before the election in Nov?
My bet is that he was bribed with an offer that wouldn’t be there if he served out his term.
Maybe he couldn't stomach the thought of two years of listening to Nanzi Pug-ugly and the "Axis of Evil" freshman airheads AOC and the Mu-slimes that want to turn this country into a Socialist he!! hole run under Sharia Law.
At least the public only has to deal with these four on the news and can easily avoid that. Hard to do when you share a work environment with them.