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To: rustbucket
rustbucket: For any northern goods whose prices had been raised because the tariff protected them from cheaper and in some cases probably better quality foreign goods, the South was effectively paying the tariff to the makers of those Northern goods.

Yep. Due to domestic competitors, importers could not simply raise their prices by the amount of the increased tariff. They were forced to pay most of it themselves. Northern manufacturers could both raise prices and at the same time still gain market share by undercutting foreign imports. Great deal if you're a northern manufacturer. Not that bad of a deal if you stood to get a job at one of those Northern factories even if you as a consumer were paying more for manufactured goods. Absolutely terrible if you were a consumer and your area did not have very many factories but was producing a lot of cash crops for export. That last description fits much of the Deep South of course.

762 posted on 01/28/2019 12:08:19 PM PST by FLT-bird
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To: FLT-bird
Yep. Due to domestic competitors, importers could not simply raise their prices by the amount of the increased tariff. They were forced to pay most of it themselves. Northern manufacturers could both raise prices and at the same time still gain market share by undercutting foreign imports. Great deal if you're a northern manufacturer. Not that bad of a deal if you stood to get a job at one of those Northern factories even if you as a consumer were paying more for manufactured goods. Absolutely terrible if you were a consumer and your area did not have very many factories but was producing a lot of cash crops for export. That last description fits much of the Deep South of course.

Case in point.

764 posted on 01/28/2019 12:39:14 PM PST by DoodleDawg
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