That people choose to cloak this scam as legitimate belief system and follow it is their choice but don't expect the vast majority of people with a brain to participate in the delusion.
By definition believing in Mormonism demonstrates one lacks the critical thinking skills to avoid stupid things which makes one a tad bit stupid at best.
In retrospect how I ever expected Romney to win a national election well - I guess I myself was being stupid
For those who think I'm just being a religious bigot I say pull your head out of your posterior.
Joseph Smith was shot dead in a gun fight attempting to escape out the back window of a jail because the people of the town were coming to lynch him after he had been plying his skills as a conman and swindling the locals. If you can't figure out this guy was a bad dude you might just be a moron - err mormon.
Mitch Romney seems to be cut from the same cloth.
Joseph Smith was shot dead in a gun fight attempting to escape out the back window of a jail because the people of the town were coming to lynch him after he had been plying his skills as a conman and swindling the locals. If you can't figure out this guy was a bad dude you might just be a moron - err mormon.
Mitch Romney seems to be cut from the same cloth.