Runcie got a $28,000 raise and additional benefits under his contract.The deal brings Runcies salary to $335,000 and extends his employment through June 30, 2023.Under the new contract, Runcie would:
-- Be able to trade in 15 of his 29 vacation days for a cash value of $20,500.
-- Get $48,000 contributed annually from the school board for retirement plans
-- Be allowed to earn a pension based on four years of his service in Chicago,
estimated to cost taxpayers $80,000.
More than 30 people lined up mostly to praise Runcies work since he started in 2011. Leaders of local community organizations, businesses and schools praised improved student achievement, Runcies communication skills and inclusion and protection of immigrants and minorities under Obama's vaunted "Promise" plan.
Runcie collected $53 million tax dollars from Obama for keeping minorities off arrest records.
Then the massacre took place.
Runcie was named Supt of The Year.
Affirmative action is a wonderful thing. (sigh)