The problem is that the referendum was a constitutional innovation in the UK, with no measures taken before the voting to bind the Crown in Parliament (the actual sovereign) to the result.
The House of Commons has a very large Remain majority, as I understand it, and they will never agree to any Brexit other than a fake one.
There is definitely no majority for a hard Brexit. The total destruction of the British economy is not a popular choice among people with stakes in that economy.
“The problem is that the referendum was a constitutional innovation in the UK, with no measures taken before the voting to bind the Crown in Parliament (the actual sovereign) to the result.”
The Act of Parliament authorizing the referendum did not contain a single word spelling out what would happen if it passed.
Britain needs full a full exit to remain autonomous, and to be able to negotiate their own trade agreements.
They need a full Brexit.
However, I believe you are correct.
This does not end well.
Their only way through this, may well be if the EU begins to splinter apart.
Large scale war may well be very near, from the east.
Another precursor would be if Moscow begins to force the balkanization of Eastern Europe, or really turns the screws into a highly Russian energy dependent Germany and Central Europe.
This could get really interesting.
No matter how you cut it, this ultimately does not go well for Britain, or the rest of Europe. Most societies will not even be able to follow what is actually happening to them because of the hyper militant left-wing media and press puppets.