When a hacker or anyone else is transferring data, they are transferring bytes, not bits. The bits/sec pipe speeds are hidden underneath. The pipes under the ocean being used for this sort of transfer now range up to 160 TBits per second and there are many such pipes. No shortage of bandwidth. Just that one pipe alone is 20,000,00 MBytes / second or about 285,000 times faster than my transfer speed.
In any case, by occam's razor, the best explanation of the DNC email leak is an insider. But the blather in that "Intel Vets Challenge Russia Hack Evidence" article is unsupported. It is not "proof" of any sort.
In any case, by occam’s razor, the best explanation of the DNC email leak is an insider.
On this, we are in agreement.
Clearly you must have a superior pedigree than the experts who have previously served within the institutions promoting the Russian narrative and whose credentialed experience supports the findings in their memos, all of the technical work having been co-opted via disobedientmedia.com.
Please share.