I have a guest account set up to read the paper, and have made it available to you in the link below. This is just one of many papers. But you should know that access to these types of things is less than optimal due to Google if you do your searches through there.
Atmospheric CO2 Concentrations over the Last Glacial Termination by Eric Monin et al.
Quoting from Skeptical Science is akin to quoting from CNN or Snopes.
The paper you provided a link to is very limited in scope and is confined to the last glacial termination. It’s accepted science that what ends the ice ages is a change in the Earth’s orbit and not an increase in atmospheric CO2. It states that in the article I had linked to (Deglaciation is not initiated by CO2 but by orbital cycles. However, this is what you said earlier:
“Ice core analysis has shown time and again that CO2 FOLLOWS all global warming.”
That is a false statement.