That’s the leftist line...”compassion”, when they’re not using the race card, all designed to trick us out of our heritage.
Yet the rich leftists, including the Pope, all live in well-guarded, gated communities, well away from what they propose for the rest of us. Besides, the Holy City New Jerusalem has a wall great and high, with extreme vetting.
Do we make America, the world, or our own souls more secure by saying (as some have said here) that they wish she were dead, and her little children, too?
I cannot imagine any American president or patriot, in our whole 200+ year history, who wold wish this woman harm. It is the impulse of vindictive sadism which does actual, grave damage to our American and Judeo-Christian culture and heritage.
Join in the hope that this unfortunate woman will heal well and bring her children back home to Honduras in peace. She should not trespass on other people's property. She should do what she can, with her countrymen, to make Honduras a decent place to live and raise a family.