developing a new, purpose-built tanker with substantial payload capabilities....”
Do these MORONS even consider how YUGE the atmosphere is?
These people really scare me. I’m serious.
It's big but not infinite. The current level of jet engine exhaust, mostly water vapor, adds to cirrus clouds and produces global warming.
Condensation trails, or contrails, generated from high-altitude aircraft exhaust may affect climate because they can persist for many hours. Like their natural counterparts, these anthropogenic cirrus clouds reflect solar radiation and absorb and emit thermal infrared radiation causing a radiative forcing that depends on many factors, especially contrail optical depth and coverage (Sassen 1997; Meerkötter et al. 1999).;2
The long and short of it is that the high clouds trap more heat energy (all day and all night) than the amount of solar energy they reflect to space. So we are already playing with the upper atmosphere and causing some global warming. That said, I think it's an extremely bad idea to deliberately cause global cooling. Even minor natural cooling events, like Pinatubo, caused crop disasters. The lower sunlight created poor growing conditions for diverse areas like tropical corals and northern forests.