And Chris McDaniel. And Todd Akin, and Richard Mourdock, and Sharron Angle, and Christine O'Donnell, and George Allen, and a host of other candidates that were viciously attacked by the media weapon system while being systematically backstabbed by their supposedly Republican allies.
From my perspective, the @$$hats in this thread just keep ignoring the backstabbing and media attacks while buying into the false media claims that these were "bad candidates" rather than good candidates F***ed over by a Uniparty media weapon that didn't want them rocking the financial boat in Washington DC, because all the powerful people who control the media weapon are making a good living from those money streams coming out of our corrupt Capitol city.
Todd Akin, and Richard Mourdock, Sharron Angle, and Christine O’Donnell all losing perfectly winnable senate seats is EXACTLY what got our healthcare hijacked, by the way.
so, in addition to all your other crimes of ignorance, now I accuse you of being responsible for ACA.