The clock is a 4 dollar car clock with no alarm function and no way to use it to trigger anything. The end of the wires are no doubt just taped under the clock and not connected to anything. The pipe is plastic. There are no batteries other than the small one built into the clock(most likely a watch battery. Therefore there is no adequate power source to operate a detonator. Ever see a Toy model Rocket? The “detonator” is an electric match. Both leads would come out the same end of the pipe. Is there any gun powder in there. They don’t seem to want to tell us.
This is definitely a fake bomb. It was never intended to blow up.
It was described as energetic material that can become combustible when subjected to heat or friction.
Might be a fancy way of describing paper or sawdust.
Federal prosecutors, federal judges, and federal juries do not have that grant of a sense of humor.
They don’t like hoax bombs, or hoax terrorism.
He will be in prison for the rest of his life.
You can sell these as is, on Ebay, as props. Have about as much explosive potential as a cell phone.