I was in several growing up and since. Also other storms. I dismiss media hype and do-gooder government that want everyone afraid of their shadows. If you live in an at risk home or you are not prepared then act. If you are prepared, stay. But all the hysterics is almost comical. Everyone acts like it is the first storm ever, the largest storm ever, that everyone is totally unprepared and live in 3rd world shacks on the water. We have become a nation of helpless wimps needing government to know best and tell us what to do and the crowd then backs it up. Pathetic.
Please. If you know anything about hurricanes, you can look at this one and see it is not hype to say get out. If you know anything about the surge potential in the Big Bend, you know this is bad news for anyone on the coast there. I think you are just being a ranting a-hole with no concern for the reality on the ground, jack. So please. Just get off this thread. We don’t need your ignorance here.
The thing you are missing is how stupid the average citizen has become since our youth.
The masses are idiots. The police and fire have to appeal to the stupidest common denominator when making a public appeal to get out.
You keep mouthing off about the hype but you’re really not that smart to understand it.