Some synonyms for "fulsome" are "excessive, extravagant, overdone, immoderate, inordinate, over-appreciative, flattering, adulatory, fawning, unctuous, ingratiating, cloying, saccharine". So I'm sure she will make further "fulsome" statements.
“Murkowski is married to Verne Martell.[118] They have two children, Nicolas and Matthew.[119]”
Poor boys
This woman is as dumb as that box of rocks senator from Hawaii.
This woman believes that a woman should be believed and a man is always guilty. Will any man in Alaska ever vote for her again?
Whiny bitch needs to be voted out!
You want to punish this bitch?
Send 5 or more new GOP Senators to help Trump in Nov.
The only reason the cowardly 4 Flake/Corker/Mad Cow and Collins can get away with this crap is the US Senate is so evenly divided.
Want to make her politically impotent? Stop evenly dividing the US Senate by giving the GOP undisturbed control with a real GOP President like Trump to set the Agenda
The new, left wing, ACLU helped her come to no by flying in a bunch of women from Alaska.
How did she ever beat Joe Miller for that seat?
Can’t we get Sarah Palin to run against her? Some good GOP candidate from Alaska has to step up to get rid of the Cow.
Memo to Alaska Republican Party: Disown her and start lining up a suitable candidate to replace her.
Called the NRSC and demanded that ALL Republican support be withdrawn from Murkowski form this day forward if she votes “No” on Kavanaugh. Told them that if the RNC continues to support these fake Republicans, then I will work hard here locally to make sure that money is only donated to individual conservative candidates so that the national organizations that won’t listen to us will dry up and blow away. Have a call in at the RNC as well, where I will inform them of the same thing.
Sure wish 100 or more of my FRiends would make their own calls as well. Let them hear from us -— they are supposed to represent us, NOT themselves!!! One voice is easy to ignore -— 100 voices, not so much!!!
Shes right. I dont think what we have seen is fair. Lets have a CIVIL WAR!!!!
Not surprised.
She’s a fraudulent elected official anyway, of course she’d identify with “Fake Baby Voice”.
The woman’s barely literate - in the absence of any evident spark of intellect or principle, she might try falling back on tradition and political practicality to help guide her vote - her father was a lifelong Republican senator before her - President Trump has worked to open the oil fields in Alaska to drilling which would bring millions of dollars into the economy there - these factors alone should determine her decision......
Like the Hawaiian Senator who said:
“Guess who’s perpetuating all of these kind of actions? It’s the men in this country. And I just want to say to the men in this country: Just shut up and step up.”
Check her bank account and see how much Soros has paid her.
What a bunch of pointless, equivocating gobbledy-gook. I could pick anyone at random from the telephone book and they’d be a more competent Senator.
why is anyone surprised?
She got primaries out and the Native Corps/Big Money helped her to buy back her seat.
OWNED by Big Money.
NOT MY Senator. she sold out a long time ago.
Summary: This hasn't been fair to the judge, so I will be further unfair. The judge is a good man, so I will vote against him.
This liberal piece of shit needs to be drummed out of the party. She isn't a useful republican vote anyways. The Demoncraps can have her.
"This hasnt been fair to the judge, but I also recognize that we need to have institutions that are viewed as fair and if people who are victims, people who feel that there is no fairness in our system of government, particularly in our courts, then youve gone down a path that is not good and right for this country. And so I have been wrestling with whether or not this was about qualifications of a good man or is this bigger than the nomination."
>hasn't been fair to the judge: YOU CAN FIX THAT WITH A 'YES' VOTE.
>'about qualifications ... or... bigger than the nomination': IT'S ENTIRELY ABOUT QUALIFICATIONS; HOW DOES A 'NO' VOTE HELP YOUR SO-CALLED BIGGER PURPOSE??
This isn't hard: find victims, punish perps, let the innocent go free. Pursue justice where it can be found. Mistakes will be made... but punishing those known to be innocent (Kavanaugh) is the OPPOSITE of your goal, Senator!!