Why in the world would I shake my fist and demand answers from something in which I have no belief? That would be highly irrational, to say the least.
How about reporting me and the 90 per cent of Freepers who believe in God to a senate committee for having a belief that God is the ultimate Monarch and judge?
Report you for enjoying freedoms that I fully support?
I wholly disagree with what you say and will contend to the death for your right to say it.. -Voltaire (posisibly attributed to him inaccurately)
Irrational in front of what audience? Is there supratemporal source that can be scientifically verified as to the proper definition as to what is to be considered “rational” or “irrational”? A muslim in an other land might consider your beliefs “irrational” as an atheist and have you stoned.
No.... better far for you to exist in a country in which its freedoms were birthed during a time in which a 90 per cent Judeo-Christian consensus existed, the shadow of which protects your freedoms in this day. I like atheists...you are all ...SOOOOO KEEEYUUUTE! I like you all just where we can watch you closely! We promise not to bite!