I would be EXTREMELY LEERY of her - she is a dyed in the wool Bushie and possesses a couple of additional alternate agendas.
As I recall, she's a pro-abort.
The woman is a walking / talking disaster waiting to unfold. My prime example is the Gaza fiasco; she and GW made the Israeli IDF drag prosperous businesses and families out of Gaza, give up beautiful homes and farms, to establish a 'Palestinian' autonomous region. What has been the result? Constant war, terror and murder... AND, that beautiful strip has been magically converted into a dark, festering dump.
She was incapable of handling Russia, ask Georgia. That ineptitude led to the Crimean grab, a Ukraine civil war and America defaulting on some of its obligations. (Obviously the 'bamster threw some logs on that fire also.)
We won the war in Iraq, at dear cost of our treasured youth, and then left it for Iran to walk in and take it. (Again with the help of the Kenyan.) Bush/Rice even let the Democraps set a rule that we couldn't have any Iraqi oil, so it went to the Chinese. Our men and women sacrificed so China could reap the rewards.
We had a billion dollar military base in Iraq, but Bush/Rice made no power sharing treaty, so we lost that strategic base (to Iran) that we could have used to fight ISIS. Now we have to kiss the hand of hostile Turkey so that we can have the use of the Incirlic (sp?) base. Turkey has become a key in our ME strategies... and Turkey is aligning with Iran - and against Israel.
In truth, much of this ineptitude was taken advantage by 'bama/Hildy and made worse. Still, enough of that Rice woman! Many wanted her to run for POTUS; how do you think she would have compared to that inexperienced ignorant rube, Donald Trump?