A mean and careless thing to say. Although she lectures around the country on child sex abuse, she isn't even vain enough to have a Wikipedia page. Digging a little, I found she is a Christian and a registered Republican, and the bulk of her work has been in prosecuting primarily the rapists and sex abusers of children or other domestic victims. She looked like a "grandma" to me, disarming to arrogant abusers and non-threatening to vulnerable plaintiffs.
NYT: What We Know About Rachel Mitchell, the Prosecutor Who Questioned Christine Blasey Ford
As for her looks, she reminds me of Susan Boyle, the very shy Scottish singer who never married, stayed home to take care of her mother until she died, then went on American Idol in her dowdy late 40s and became a star. At which point she improved her wardrobe and grooming.
Sorry. I know I am not The NY Times but even so.