No, I listened to Hannity the whole time. Whereas Rush would mention the case and move on, Hannity ranted and raved and said that women did not lie about such things and read and reread the salacious letters with relish written by the liars. He fussed and fumed and said the did not want a person in the Senate who did such things. He gave Moore a twenty-four hour time frame to call in to his show. Now, why did Hannity inject himself into that situation? He had ulterior, selfish purposes.
Just like he insists on injecting himself into this with: “I think she deserves to be heard.” Saying this after he knows better than anyone the snakes lined up and coaching her.
He is an idiot.
You can listen to Hannity for thirty minutes and figure out hes not very bright. Its all soap opera stuff where people like characters, its not news and Hannity,Limbaugh have been wrong about the big issues - FreeTrade, foreign intervention. Their only hook is the social conservatives and beyond that its blabber...and in the meantime we lost the country of just thirty years ago...