I my view, Ford’s claim is nothing more than a figment of her’s, or someone else’s imagination - pure fabrication from start to finish.
If FR and other like minded people would say this, maybe it would take hold.
Nutty Professor Ford's allegations are total Bull Crap
How's that?
“I my view, Fords claim is nothing more than a figment of hers, or someone elses imagination - pure fabrication from start to finish.”
There is evidence of Ford being a serious partier and from almost the beginning I have thought the whole thing could be a composite of her party experiences where she just put the Kavanaugh name on the composite in order to contribute to the “Resist” movement. She and her lawyer/handlers are leftist activists. She also has 4 daughters/stepdaughters. Her present husband is her 2nd husband. Why would anybody want to put this stuff out for the world if you have children and a husband?