IF Kavanaugh’s nomination fails, but the GOP picks up additional Senate seats in November, President Trump should re-nominate Judge Kavanaugh when the new Senate convenes - IF the judge is willing to put up with the dem BS again.
I have not had time to watch or care about this story, but one look at Kavanaugh and all I saw was
“Deep State Globalist Bush Plant To Give Them An Impeachment Vote Against Trump”.
Has ANYONE vetted this person, I mean conservatives, and not RINOs... has anyone really vetted this guy according to how we should be thinking, post-John Roberts?
Just because Trump is for Kavanuagh means nothing in this regard.And just because the Democrats are against Kavanugh does not mean he's been vetted.
John Roberts/Obamacare revealed the Uniparty works in collusion on these "left vs Right" Hegelian circuses... i.e. paid fronts/paid scandal actors.
“IF Kavanaughs nomination fails, but the GOP picks up additional Senate seats in November, . . .”
The GOP will lose the Senate if they don’t confirm Kananaugh. And they will take down the whole party with them. Lots of conservatives will undervote if they refuse to confirm this good man.
If Kavanaughs confirmation fails there is NO WAY we will pick up senate seats, we WILL LOSE the senate there is NO WAY IN HELL the base will go out and vote to keep these senators in office!! The truth is that if OUR senators do not confirm Kavanaugh they are done, this IS their last hill and they better damn well climb the damned thing!! Our base WILL NEVER vote for a Dem HOWEVER they will stay home disgusted with all of them!!! You can bet on that!!!