Well, duh! Keef innocent, Kavanaugh guilty. No shock there.
1 posted on
09/17/2018 10:33:21 AM PDT by
To: rktman
Ellison is a Muslim and has a D next to his name, automatically innocent..woman is a liar..but Kavanaugh, from 35 years ago..Republican, appointed by Bush, guilty as sin well, because Trump picked him and Trump is bad, etc etc
To: rktman
Monaghan: "Why don't you Democrats believe me about Ellison's domestic violence towards me?"
Dems: "Beats me!"
To: rktman
She should get on the Kavanaugh bandwagon and just say she mis-remembered.
4 posted on
09/17/2018 10:36:57 AM PDT by
(You cannot invade the mainland US. There'd be a rifle behind every blade of grass.)
To: rktman
She should to a therapist who can help her unlock repressed memories of an incident she had with Keith 30 years ago maybe they would take those more seriously.
5 posted on
09/17/2018 10:37:06 AM PDT by
To: rktman
The rules are different for leftists.
6 posted on
09/17/2018 10:38:55 AM PDT by
To: rktman
Bring in Juanita Broadrick to the Kavanaugh hearings.
I remember during the election Trump called a press conference. There was all kinds of speculation that he was going to drop out of the race because of some silly accusation.
So when they opened the doors all the reporters rushed in, and when they saw Juanita and Kathleen Willey and another Bill Clinton accuser there, they tried to turn around and back out of the room- but were forced in by the reporters still trying to get in.
It was hilarious.
8 posted on
09/17/2018 10:42:46 AM PDT by
Mr. K
(No consequence of repealing Obamacare is worse than Obamacare itself.)
To: rktman
That’s how it works. There is no fairness any longer.
10 posted on
09/17/2018 10:45:43 AM PDT by
I want the USA back
(Cynicism is the only refuge in a world that is determined to eliminate itself.)
To: rktman
We have to remember wife beating is permitted by the Qoran so Keef is just exercising his right to freedom of religion. /s.
11 posted on
09/17/2018 10:54:50 AM PDT by
("Let them hate so long as they fear" (Oderint Dum Metuant), Lucius Accius (170 BC - 86 BC))
To: rktman
Karen, Karen, Karen . . . sigh. If you wanted to be believed by the DNC you should have said it was Brett Kavanaugh that did all those things to you.
Better luck next time . . .
16 posted on
09/17/2018 11:17:17 AM PDT by
Pilgrim's Progress
(http://www.baptistbiblebelievers.com/BYTOPICS/tabid/335/Default.aspx D)
To: rktman
They believe her, they don’t care.
17 posted on
09/17/2018 11:19:56 AM PDT by
(Welcome to the New USA where Islam is a religion of peace and Christianity is a mental disorder.)
To: rktman
Men surely do bad things to women...particularly "progressive" men.But women are sometimes known to make false accusations...particularly against Republicans.
I'd wager that this didn't happen.I'd wager serious $$$.
19 posted on
09/17/2018 11:25:14 AM PDT by
Gay State Conservative
(I've Never Owned Slaves...You've Never Picked Cotton.End Of "Discussion".)
To: rktman
The best kind of conservatives are the liberals who’ve been mugged.
To: rktman
The Democrats don't believe you?? I'm surprised...
Surprised that they would believe you...Keef is a Socialist with a D...if you told them that at the time Keef was a white conservative, they'd believe you...
24 posted on
09/17/2018 12:29:58 PM PDT by
Deplorable American1776
(Proud to be a DeplorableAmerican with a Deplorable Family...even the dog is, too. :-))
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