Greg Craig is the worm who spearheaded the pro-Fidel expulsion of Elian Gonzalez for the Clintons and Janet Reno.
Refresh my memory: isn’t Craig the same person who exonerated the Obama transition team during the investigation of contacts between Rahm Emanuel and Rod Blagojevich concerning the vacant US Senate seat in Illinois. Team Obama was trying to persuade Blagojevich to appoint Valerie Jarrett to the US Senate.
When the scandal broke, the Obama people denied any wrongdoing. Governor Blagojevich wound up in prison for trying to solicit a bribe in return for the appointment.
The populace of America had been dumbed down to the point of not understanding where Rights come from and what dictatorship is all about and agreed with this decision. It was a moment I'll never forget, like the moment I found out JFK was assassinated or the Twin Towers fell.
Sending Elian back by jack booted thugs at gunpoint, grabbed from the protective arms of his cousin, that was the moment the Freedom Bell stopped ringing for America. So go get Craig, start with him and keep going!
Greg Craig has also been a Bill and Hillary slimeball lawyer fixer and attack dog since the 90s.
He might have unintentionally saved the country from Al Gore. He gets Elian expelled. Cubans are outraged. They vote in droves, and thinly outnumber all the dead Dems voting through their posthumous helpers, the illegal aliens. Thank you, Craig.