Sort of...
That first bomb explosion was 90 seconds into the fire. Soon it ignited other bombs and other missiles. Later, on the hangar deck below the main flight deck, McCain said he and another officer, along with a lot of fine enlisted men, pushed several bomb carts overboard to keep them away from flaming fuel that was curling down from above. He later noticed that I had a hole below my left knee with some metal in it, and two small shrapnel cuts in my thigh and shoulder.
McCain, 1967 statement: I started running over towards him and I was near a group of men with a fire hose. As I was about 10 feet from him the first bomb exploded and blew me back about 15 feet. I sat up and saw a lot of bodies near me (some who had been on the hose) and I ran and jumped over the starboard cat walk [under the flight deck].
Interestingly enough, he supposedly went to sick bay, watched a young man die, then went to his ready (?) room. That is from his book.
People shouldn't do autobiographies. They should only allow other writers to do their biography, and they should insist on at least 3 sources...and the paperwork to back it all up!