I listened to https://www.washingtontimes.com/staff/cheryl-k-chumley/ on C-Span radio on the way home. I have to admit her case against the social media companies was quite compelling.
Her idea is here: https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2018/aug/9/title-vii-solution-social-media-censorship/ What do think of that idea? I am intrigued by it. Not sure what it would do, effectively. Or what the drawbacks of even this incremental step might be.
the social media companys ad targeting tools and user classification enable the limitation of ad audiences on characteristics outright prohibited by the ...
U.S. Constitution's First amendment
You can search on all sorts of keywords that will let you know someone is one of "them", and so not the kind you want in your rental property or whatever.
Now I personally believe that individuals ought to be able to rent to whomever they please, because discrimination in renting or other businesses is not a nation threatening situation. The same is not true for freedom of speech, which I regard as absolutely essential to balancing out the political system in America.
But even though I personally don't believe in forcing people to rent to people to whom they don't want to rent, I also believe in using the left's own tactics against them. I believe in forcing them to live up to their own book of rules.
So in that regard, I hope they eat Facebook for breakfast.